पहिचान भनेको व्यक्तिको चिनारी हो । हरेक व्यक्तिको आफ्नै विशिष्ट पहिचान हुन्छ । मानिसको पहिचानका अनेकौ आधार हुन्छन् । मानिसले आफ्नो जात, समुदाय, भाषा आदिको आधारमा आफूलाई परिचित गर्ने गर्छन । तर यी सबैभन्दा पनि मानिसको पहिचानको एक भिन्न र विशिष्ट आधार रहेको छन – राष्ट्रियता ।
मेरो देश नेपाल हो । त्यसैले म नेपाली हुनुलाई मेरो पहिचान ठान्छु । विश्वमा म जता गए पनि मानिसले सर्वप्रथम मलाई नेपाली भनेर चिन्ने छन् अनि मात्र उनीहरू मेरा थप जानकारी हेर्नेछन् । तर म उनीहरूको नेत्रमा सिम्रिक रङ्मा रङ्गिसकेको हुन्छु । सिम्रिक रङ्गको किनारमा एउटा निलो सिमाना खिचिएको हुन्छ र उनीहरूले मेरो हृदयमा चन्द्रको शीतलता र सूर्यको तेज देखिसकेका हुन्छन् । राष्ट्रकवि माधव प्रसाद धिमिरेले भन्छन, नेपाली हामी रहौला कहाँ, नेपालै नरहे । यी सुन्दर शब्दहरुमा एक सरल तर गहिरो सत्य लुकेको छ ः एक यस्तो सत्य जसलाई सबै नेपालीले बुझ्नु आवश्यक छ । नेपाल नै मेरो पहिचान हो, मेरो परिचय हो ।
नेपालकै माटोमा मैले जन्म लिएँ, नेपालकै माटोमा उब्जेको अन्नबाली खाएँ र नेपालबाटै पहिचान पाएँ । मेरो देशमा विश्वको सबैभन्दा उच्च हिमाल सगरमाथा छ । एसियाका ज्योति गौतम बुद्धले पनि यहाँ जन्म लिएका थिए । यिनका अतिरिक्त राजर्षी जनक, सीता, वेद व्यास आदि जस्ता अन्य महान् व्यक्तित्वको चरणको स्पर्शले पनि यहाँको माटोलाई थप पवित्र बनाएको छ । नेपाल देवता तथा महान ऋषिहरूको लागी तपोभूमि पनि हो । तसर्थ म स्वप्नभूमि, ज्ञानभूमि र तपोभूमि नेपालको बासिन्दाको रूपमा चिनिन्छु ।
मैले सबै थोक नेपाल आमाबाटै पाएँ । अब मेरो पनि देशप्रति एक कर्तव्य रहेको छ । मैले नेपाल आमालाई जोगाउनुपर्छ । मैले जीवनभरि आङ्खनो पसिना यही माटोमा बगाई अन्तत ः पुन ः फेरि यही माटोमा मिसिनुपर्छ । अनि मात्र नेपालीको पहिचान ः मेरो पहिचान बाँच्छ ।
अत ः नेपाल मेरी आमा हुन्ः मेरो सर्वप्रथम पहिचान हुन् । नेपालकै माटोमा जन्म लिएँ र नेपालबाटै आङ्खनो संस्कार र मूल्य पाएर यहाँसम्म आएँ । नेपालप्रति रहेको ऋण चुक्ता गर्न असम्भव भए तापनि म मेरो देश र मेरो देशका नागरिकको सेवा अवश्य गर्नेछु ।
ओमराज झा १० ‘ए’
ख्वाबों की दुनिया में खो जाते हैं हम
अपने जख्मों को छुपाते हैं हम ।
सपनों की रंगीन राहों में चलते
कभी खो जाते हैं, कभी पाते हैं हम ।
इंसानियत के बीच भी एक अजनबी से
राहों में उलझे फंसे रहते हैं हम ।
सच और झूठ के बीच रास्ते बदलते
फिर भी आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं हम ।
कभी हँसते हैं, कभी रोते हैं हम
ख्वाबों की दुनिया में खो जाते हैं हम ।
सपनों के अँधेरे से निकल के
आती रोशनी में फिर से जीते हैं हम ।
अंशिका शर्मा ११ ‘ए’
राहें कभी सीधी नहीं होती
धूप–छाँव की तरह, कभी मिलती, कभी खोती ।
मन मे उथल पुथल, दिल में सवाल
फिर भी चल पड़े हैं हम, बिना किसी हलचल ।
ग़म की बारिश हो या फिर सुख का मौसम
मंजिल की ओर बढ्ते हैं हर कदम हर रफ़्तार ।
न जाने कितनी बार टूटी हैं उम्मीदें
फिर भी विश्वास ने हमें उठाया, सिखाया ।
सपने अगर टूटे तो क्या हुआ ?
उन्हें फिर से जोड़ने का हौसला है ।
रुकेंगे नहीं हम, क्योंकि हर गिरावट के बाद
उठने का एक और मौका है ।
मंजिल तक पहुँचने की ये राह काठिन है
लेकिन हर दर्द की अपनी एक सजा है ।
हम चलते रहेंगे थककर, नहीं रुकेंगे
क्योंकि मंजिल हमें अपनाने का इरादा है ।
अंशिका शर्मा ११ ‘ए’
I thought of this last night, while listening to a depressing song. Let’s say a sad song. I was struggling with homework and it was already 11:30 pm. I started to remember my past and found how happy my childhood was.
I realized that those times are long gone when we were carefree, careless and mainly tension free. When I entered my teenage life, I was excited at first but gradually I started falling at the dark part of it.
I had emotional breakdowns, pressure from study, agitation and frustration. In addition to it, I would like to admit that I have felt lost for some time and frustrated with my life.
Then I concluded my thoughts finishing my homework. But when I was about to sleep, again I thought about how clean was my skin and how I was stress free and cheerful.
Still cheerful, I rolled on to my other side facing the cold walls but only on the outside. I realized as I was drifting to sleep that in this phase I have felt emptiness and guilt over and over again.
I always end up alone to be spacing out in my own world. I have friends, a ton of them, but at the end of the day, I have no one. No one but myself. Even now, I am here, hanging out with my friends. They are laughing, giggling and enjoying themselves but here I am…SPACED OUT…LOST. I am not there even if I am..
Every thing feels so strange. My mind keeps drifting back to the thoughts I don’t want to remember. I am not a part of the conversation they’re having. I am not a part of what they’re making memories with. Everybody is busy with one another.
But me? I sit alone with a phone in my hand wanting to talk to someone but scrolling endlessly. They are engaging me too, time to time in the conversations but it feels surreal; it wouldn’t matter had I not been here…
Once I was broken, left in the night,
Shattered by trust, betrayed by the light.
They thought I’d crumble, thought I would fade,
But darkness taught me the moves I’ve made.
No saviours, no allies, I forged my way,
From the ruins of yesterday.
Their whispers haunt, but they fuel my flame,
I will rise as a legend – they’ll know my name.
I walk alone, a shadow’s king,
No chains, no ties, no suffering.
Born in the dark, where strength is grown,
Now I rise, I rule alone.
Friendship’s a weapon, it cuts so deep,
A knife in the back when you’re fast asleep.
But I learned the game, I mastered the flight,
Now I stand tall in the dead of the night.
No need for their mercy, no need for their lies,
I see the truth through cold, clear eyes.
They build my fury, they built my fire,
And now I burn with strong desire.
I’m not their hero, I’m not their saint,
I’m the storm, their world’s complaint.
Let them tremble, let them flee,
I will become what they’ll never be.
Let the world remember my name,
A force untamed, free from shame.
In solitude, my power has grown,
I’m unbroken, I rise alone.
(A child sitting beside the window imagining herself in a fairytale like the ones his mother told stories about)
Oh Gosh! I wish I was in one of the fairytales like my mother told me about. Like the ones in which I am a fairy blessing people around with my magical wand. I wish I was one of those knights who would do anything just for the sake of the kingdom. I wish I could be a princess or a queen looking after my kingdom ruling it as my people want.
I wish I was in a magical forest with magical herbs that could heal any disease in the world and hides the deepest of secret of the world and the answers of all the questions.
I wish I was the richest person in the world and so I could end all the poverty and make the world equal place for all.
I just wonder why I can’t be any of these even though I don’t have any ill intentions. Don’t nice people always get a way to help the world? I really hope that I can help to make the world a better place. I just hope I can help anyone with my magical powers which I hop I’ll get sooner or later.
A student’s life, a heavy load,
A winding path, a weary road.
With parents’ hopes, a burning flame,
And teachers’ dreams, it’s all the same.
They say, “Be strong, don’t let us down,”
But pressure builds, we start to drown.
The sleepless nights, the endless fight,
Our joy turns shadows in the light.
We used to laugh, we used to play,
With games and friends to pass the day.
But even fun is snatched away
As parents scold, “No time to stray!”
Among the friends, who’s fake, who’s real?
Some wounds take years and years to heal.
The ones who made us truly smile,
Have left, and we’re alone a while.
Each word a lash, each glance a stone,
We’re scolded till we feel alone.
This life, it’s now a game to play,
But rules get harder every day.
So now, I sit, no voice, no sound,
A world of silence all around.
No fake smiles, no endless race,
Just me alone, a quiet space.
For in this stillness, I can see,
The strength that’s hidden deep in me.
Though life may press and pull apart,
I’ll find my voice; I’ll guard my heart.
(Through this poem, I hope to give a voice to the things we often overlook and show how even the simplest object carry stories of their own).
I heard everything,
I heard it all –
The whispers of age against,
“Old, useless, unhelpful,” they said.
The murmurs of my fragile frame,
A relic prone to breaking.
The hushed grief of my failures,
Unable to carry the weight I once could,
I heard the plans to cast me away,
To sell me, trade me,
Forget me.
Yes, I heard everything.
I saw everything,
I saw it all –
The shadows of disappointment
Clouding my owner’s face.
The sting of embarrassment
Etched in their gaze.
I watched my brothers
Go before me,
One by one, replaced.
I saw the tears
They shed for them.
The bittersweet pity they didn’t spare for me
For me, there was only silence
But still, I saw it all.
Alright, listen up, it’s my time to speak,
This farewell thing’s got me feeling weak.
DAV, you’ve been a wild, crazy ride,
Now I gotta adult? Oh no, I’ve shied.
From day one, we were awkward, lost,
But look at us now — we’re total boss.
Shared tiffins, jokes, and random memes,
Built a squad straight outta dreams.
The canteen? Our five-star dining spot,
Samosas, chowmeins —ate the whole lot.
And group projects? A hilarious mess,
“Who’s done the work?” You can probably guess.
Teachers caught us having secret talks,
While friendships bloomed during class walks.
"Eyes on the board!" they used to say,
But gaming marathons got in the way.
Exam halls were our battleground,
Pens shaking, prayers all around.
We guessed answers like pros, no fear,
Anyhow, we made it — we’re still in gear!
Morning assemblies felt way too long, at times,
We whispered jokes, or hummed a song, many a times.
Sports day, jamboree, endless cheers,
Moments we’ll treasure for years.
Movie Shows, Boot Camps, endless fun
Memories of teamwork second to none.
Now we’re “grown-ups”? Yeah, that’s a joke,
Still can’t handle when the Wi-Fi’s broke.
We may leave school, but never the vibe,
Class of DAV, we’ll always thrive!
Here’s my toast to every friend,
This may be goodbye, but it’s not the end.
Snapchat, DMs—we’ll keep it alive,
We’ll meet again, in our next big dive!
Being a cloud is not so hard…that’s what other beings say. But to maintain my shape and size, it’s difficult. other clouds clash into each other, make lightening. Me? I am a stratus cloud, as fair as I can be. In the skies high above, you can see me within my friends. Who am I to pretend? I am just a cloud.
But to be one, it is hard. Cumulous clouds can come out of nowhere and clash with me. When it rains, I will turn into water and shower the earth. That is my job. I hope I won’t be turned into heavy rain or thunder that might flood or harm the poor people on earth!
Rocks and fires might say clouds are free and light, but it is only the looks. Our process, phenomenon, and phases are difficult to understand. I, a cloud, say this. No element can live as free as can be. Everyone has a job. The prince of wind and the princess of air shall watch over me, doing my job. And I won’t let my job become incomplete or fluked. I am a cloud. Though it is hard to be, I am proud.
The road ahead, so vast, so wide,
Through hills and valleys, far we stride.
The golden sun, a guiding flame,
Each step we take, it calls our name.
The whispers of the morning breeze,
The rustling leaves on ancient trees.
Nature sings its timeless tune,
By light of sun, and the glow of moon.
Some days are bright, with skies so blue,
Some drenched in storms, but they pass too.
The heart beats strong, it knows the way,
Through the nights to the brightest day.
Carry your dreams, hold them near,
Let courage rise over fear.
The journey’s long, the trials steep,
But seeds of hope, they’re not so cheap.
Together we walk, through time, through space,
On endless roads, life’s fleeting grace.
For every step is a tale unfold,
A piece of puzzle, a heart of gold.
Why should I only be the one to adjust? Being the elder sibling does not mean to do all the household works myself. Yes, I know, I don’t have a mother to look after me. It never means that I am only responsible to do these works.
I do want to achieve something in life. I can’t waste my whole day on these works. My mom saw a dream for me to be a big person. So, I am ready to do all hard work and achieve all those which my mom wanted me to achieve.
But my father does not understand this. Yes. He does help me but not that help which will help me achieve my dream.
I am not meant to be just for a simple household work. I do have potential to climb or build my way through the clouds. I hope you understand.
My wings are meant to fly, please don’t cut them.
The Mr. DAV competition!
Looking at the participants, it’s clear that this competition isn’t only about good looks and dressing sense. It’s also about how well you can showcase your talent.
Well, for these talented folks who can sing, dance, or at least know what their talents are, all they had to do was prepare their performance.
And we had, what, fourteen days? But for me... the first seven days I spent searching for a talent—Googling things like ‘hidden talents I might have’—and the next seven days trying to prepare it.
Guess what? I did discover my talent in those 14 days – ‘PROCRASTINATION’.
"Now, confidence is a funny thing. Some people are born with it, some people develop it, and some—like me—just fake it so well that even my parents think I have a future!"
"And let’s be honest - confidence works differently in different situations. When you're answering a viva, confidence means speaking like you actually know things. But during an exam, confidence means writing 'According to me...' and praying that teacher agrees.
Let me give you a real example—“Sachin, are you here? There he is! Now, I don’t know how many of you remember, but I do—during his nomination speech for the headboy.He said, ‘There was no one behind my success, only confidence.’ And that is actually quite true. Sachin didn’t become thehead boy because of everyone. He became the headboy because of all the confidence he had.Though, let’s be honest, a few might have sincerely helped him too!”
"Sachin did get lucky and successful thanks to his confidence, but I’m not sure how far mine will take me. I mean, confidence got me on this stage, but can it get me through 12thgrade maths? Probably not!"
"But I’m not too concerned either, to be honest. My 12 years in DAV have finally come down to this one final day, and the one thing I really wanted to do was to bring a smile to your faces.”
Thank you!
(A person sits in front of a window overlooking the city exhausted by the endless noise of the world.)
“QUIET”! I always wish it was quiet everywhere. World is always so loud. The honking of cars, people yelling, the hum of machines, a million different noises always fighting for attention.
I wish there was a quiet world. A world where there was quiet the moment you woke up, no alarm going off, no clanking of utensils in the kitchen, no neighbours arguing et cetera. Sometimes I feel no one truly knows how to be quiet. Not just talking – but quiet from the soul. A quiet so comforting and warm, that it feels as if your soul is being warmly embraced.
Sometimes, I wish the world could pause. The only sound being the leaves rustling in the wind, the gentle rush of water through a stream, the crunching of dry leaves beneath my feet. How peaceful would that be? No music blaring, no yelling – just silence. A silence so thick and pure enough to cleanse my soul.
I wish I could bask in the quiet to collect my thoughts, reflect and relax. I envy people who have reached a level of being quiet where they shut down their thoughts, sit in the void that silence is.
I wonder if it would be quiet in space. What about the bottom of the ocean? I wish I could experience real silence. A silence without thought.
I’m the friend who waits alone
Not often asked, but still I’ve grown
I see you with your busy days
And see you walk your different ways.
I don’t mind when you are not around,
I hold no grudges, feel no fear
Though your may forget to call
I am okay, I understand it all.
I don’t need to always be in their sight
I am the friend you rarely need,
But I’ll always be here in need.
You are my strength, my guiding light,
Who worked very hard for my future bright.
With every step, you pave the way,
Teaching me new lessons every day.
You are strong, full of care,
Your heart, a treasure beyond compare.
In laughter, in silence, in the moments we share,
You’re the one who is always there.
A guiding hand when times are tough,
With boundless love, that’s more than enough.
Your wisdom, its deep and true,
Dad, the only star, I see is you.
So, here is my promise, loud and clear,
To love you each and every year.
I will always love you, no matter where you are,
You’ll always be my guiding star.
(A person sits at the balcony feeling the rush of wind gently blowing the hair)
“I love the wind. The feeling of the cold rush of wind on my skin feels soothing and comforting. The swaying of leaves, the calming sound of the breeze feels almost like home. I could sit outside for hours feeling the wind. It makes me feel alive than I’ve ever felt in my life. Even though its cold, the feeling of it makes me forget it all.
Sometimes I wish the wind sways me away like the leaves, leaving me in the air, floating away from the earth’s noise. Just thinking about it, it saddens me as there is no way for that to happen. But just imagine the scene, the wind, the cold breeze, the sound is so comforting….
I wish it would be windy all the time. Even when its not supposed to be windy. I wish the wind would blow away all the impurities in the world leaving nothing but peace and a beautiful place to live in.
“Wow! My sister’s birthday is also coming soon. I shall plan for an amazing gift for her. What should I buy for her, that she could be very happy after that? I feel she has all the toys she has demanded.”
I thought a lot about her gift but nothing came into my mind. I went to play cricket for some time.
Later, after playing cricket, she came to and I demanded, “I want a se to domestic animal.”
“Great! My sister wants a domestic animal set. I will giver her the domestic animal set. She is asking for it. Now, I will go to the toy shop near by and grab her a gift.”
(Sitting in my cousin’s room one day before mybratabandha)
Tomorrow is my bratabandha. I feel so anxious about it. It feels like I am starting a new chapter in my life. In the following days, I will have to maintain a lot of self-discipline. I will be accountable for many responsibilities too. But I am excited for all the blessings and money that I will get.
In other words, I’m also worried about having to wake up early in the morning to bath. Since, I’m going to do it along with my cousin, I won’t be nervous about doing the pooja.
Besides, I will also have to follow many daily rituals and pray everyday. Even though it seems difficult I will abide by it as it is my culture and tradition.
And oh, I will have to wear a janai across my upper body.
Fight between friends and I am not being able to decide whom to support.
There was a verbal fight between Aryan and Aayushman. The fight immediately turned physical. Actually, Aryan teased Aayushman for being fat, and Aayushman teased Aryan back for being short.
Aaah! They are having a fight again. Why does Aryan Tease Aayushman when he can’t handle the teaching himself. The fight is growing, intense. Should I stop them? But who should I support? I think I should support Aryan because he is small. No, no, no. I think I should support Aayushman because Aryan was the one who teased him first.
Ohh! I cannot decide whom to support.
I think I should support neither of them and stop them fighting while supporting no one like a good student.
Satyam Karna (IX ‘A’)
In the heart of the city, where dreams intertwine,
Chasing the skyline, in the hustle and grind.
Step by step, we rise, we never fall,
Echoes of Ambition, bouncing off the walls.
From the shadows we emerged, with hope in our veins,
Through the storm and the fire, breaking every chain.
Living life on the edge, on the path to find,
They rhythm of our soul, in the beat of the grind.
In the chaos of the night, our spirits take flight,
With the dreams of tomorrow, we’re holding on tight.
Every beat, every rhyme, a story unfolds,
In the rhythm or the streets, our destiny molds.
Through the highs and the lows, we carve our own lane,
In the fire of our passion, we feel no pain.
From the depths of the struggle, to the heights of fame,
We rise with our purpose, never the same.
As the dawn breaks through, we stand and fight,
In the glow of our dreams, with hearts alight.
For every step we’ve taken, and the miles to come,
We’ll keep pushing forward, till our journey’s done.
Paridhi Sarawagi, XII ‘A’
Good morning, everyone!
Today, I get the honor of talking about someone we all love – someone who is often the first superhero we meet, yet never wears a cape – our moms.
Now, before I start, I know some of you might be thinking, “Oh no, not another speech about moms. What is this, Mother’s Day?” But hang on! You might think you know everything about mothers already, but trust me, I’ve got some insights that’ll make you see them in a new light.
Let’s start with a little humor. Have you ever noticed how every mom has this uncanny ability to find lost things? You could be looking for your keys for hours, and your mom will walk in, casually say, “Oh, they’re right there,” and poof, they’re on the counter, exactly where you were looking for them. It’s like magic. I mean, how do they do it? Are they secretly wizards? Does a magical “mom radar” exist? Honestly, I think it’s the only logical explanation.
But seriously, moms are more than just our personal GPS. They’re the unsung multitasking champions of the world. Think about it – moms juggle work, family, grocery shopping, and somehow still manage to cook dinner, listen to our problems, and make us feel better about everything. And then they act surprised when we ask, “What’s for dinner?” as if it wasn’t their idea to feed us in the first place.
Now, let’s talk about the emotional side of things. Have you ever had a bad day and the first person you call is your mom? Moms know just what to say to calm you down, even if it’s just a “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” You roll your eyes at that, but deep down, we all know those words are like a warm blanket in a cold day. They just make you feel better.
And let’s not forget the unique “mom powers.” You know, the ones that let her instantly tell if you’re lying. I’m pretty sure they have a built-in lie detector – “Did you eat all the cookies?” “No, mom, I swear I didn’t!” “Really? Because I see cookie crumbs on your shirt.” Moms are like detectives in disguise.
But it’s not just about finding lost items or keeping track of our little “white lies.” Moms are the foundation of love and support. They shape us into who we are, guiding us through life’s ups and downs. Think about all the times you’ve heard, “I’ll always be here for you,” and believed it, even when all the world seemed like it was falling apart. That unconditional love, that unwavering support, is priceless. And if we’re being honest, it’s probably the reason most of us are still alive after that one time we decided it was a good idea to jump off the roof.
But, hey, let’s not forget the fun side of being a mom. Some of you might remember those classic “mom sayings.” Like, “If you keep making that face, it’ll get stuck like that,” or “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.” Who else can manage to sound both nurturing and terrifying at the same time?
In the end, moms are the silent warriors who ensure we don’t just survive, but thrive. They might not always get the recognition they deserve, but they sure do make this world a much brighter place.
So, today, let’s not just talk about what moms do for us. Let’s remember all the small, everyday acts that often go unnoticed – the hugs, the endless patience, the sacrifices, and yes, even the way they somehow and always known what we need before we do.
Words fails when the time comes to talk about mothers. I have tried a little bit to express gratitude towards mothers through my words. I have written a short poem to express my feelings for mothers. I hope you will like it. Here it goes.
The feeling of warmth and compassion,
The one I could feel even inside her stomach,
Made me feel so safe around her,
That I thank her for being my mother.
Maa is not only a word,
But rather a feeling of comfort.
She is the one who covers up for me,
And stands by me whenever I need her.
I feel so lucky to be her daughter,
For me she never lets her eye water.
She hides her sadness to keep me happy.
In my world, she is the best beauty.
Maa, Mom, Ammi and many more ways to call her.
But is that only what she is made for?
Being a daughter, what have I done for her?
Have I ever fulfilled my duties towards her?
I am sorry maa, for every letting you down,
For making you feel like you are alone in the whole downtown.
I promise to never repeat my mistakes,
And teach myself to never let you feel betrayed.
Thank you, and don’t forget to appreciate your mom today and every day – because, as we all know, there’s no one else quite like her.
At the end I would like to thank all the mothers present here for joining us today. Have a great day ahead.
Thank you! (Morning Speech during ‘Muffins with Mother”)
Aditya Bastola, X ‘J’
Is it really not having eyes that
Makes a man blind?
A cobbler can make shoe shine, but when he looks down what does he
Man’s love is profound, but deep in his
Heart, only hate he found.
Love is all the poet ever feels,
Pain is all his poem ever reads.
Freedom isn’t free but only determination
It costs.
In a straight path, only the poet gets
Aditi Mishra, X ‘B’
Hi, it’s me,
The one you call the disappointment,
The shadow of success,
The echo of joy never heard,
I stand in the corner,
While others bask in the glow,
Of love, of laughter, of all that shines –
And I am left with the silence of a heart
That has never known the warmth of belonging.
The world,
It sees my flaws,
Marks me with its judgment.
Then I say I am a snitch,
An attention seeker,
A betrayer –
But do they know?
Why I wear a smile
That never quite reaches my eyes?
If they did,
They might know how hard it is,
To give everything,
Only to be met with coldness.
To listen,
When all I hear are voices
That tear me apart.
And I am left to stich myself together
With threads of apology and sorrow.
I am a human too,
A soul with scars no one sees,
Not seeking glory or fame,
But to be seen,
To be heard, and
To be understood.
Is that too much to ask?
But here I stand,
A mirror of everyone’s bitterness,
A reflection of what they fear –
The one who hurts,
But keeps on loving,
Who forgives when forgiveness
Is a gift she has never received.
Shaurya Pandey, X ‘I’
We all have dreams or goals that we want to accomplish in life. However, many of us often don't achieve what we truly desire, leading to a deep-seated frustration. Deep down, we tend to blame others or life itself for not helping us reach our dreams.
However, the real issue lies in our perception. We often separate our dreams and goals from the present, projecting them into the future. This mindset causes us to lose the power of the present. The present moment holds the potential to accomplish anything.
We need to keep in your mind that our beliefs are shaped by our experiences—what we have heard, read, or felt. If we start believing in our goals from this very moment and maintain that belief, even if the reality is different, our reasoning and circumstances will align to materialize our belief.
Whenever we think about our goals, we must believe strongly that they are achievable. We need to keep believing in them until they happen.
Last but not the least, living in the present moment means fully feeling, experiencing and appreciating what is happening just right now. It involves letting go of past regrets and future anxieties both, and embracing the present wholeheartedly.
Sahil Singh Ujjain, X 'I'
I Quit,
Now, I can’t run.
My brain is becoming
As hot as sun.
Yeah! I can’t fight
And sleep with this crying night
Nobody is there to support me,
Nobody is there to appreciate me.
Oh Dear!
Are you sure
While quitting you thing before?
You said nobody supports you
Then, what about that brave one
WBC, who fights for you?
What about those trees,
Who make oxygen for you free?
What about that God,
Who helped you?
What about that body
Who stands for you?
Oh Dear!
Why do you want that
Someone always stand with you?
In reality, you also know that
Your body and God is only with you.
Still you think you are alone?
Then, remember, Eagle flies alone.
Be Eagle, not ordinary birds
Who flies alone in the height of sky.
Grab your wish s Eagle to grab a fish
Never cry, Just fly
As you have a mission to get your ambition.
Oh Dear!
Wake to up reality.
Priyency Yadav, XI A
I don’t know why but my mother is always a good predictor. “It’s going to rain tomorrow”, she says and it definitely rains the next day. Science fails in front of her. She always gives me an alert notification to carry this and that. At times, she herself actively packs my bag. Whenever it’s a ceremony or special day, she forgets to do her two hours long puja but she never forgets to give me a spoon full of curd before I leave.
She once said that few people enter our life to teach us that not everyone who extends a helping hand has their heart in the right place.
Her words, messages and predictions are going to break my heart someday. But I always crave to listen.
She wears the same sari, in every Mother’s Day which I once gifted her saving my pocket money. Whether I am there or not to comment or compliment her, she always looks gorgeous and is the prettiest in my eyes. Her love and care is the tapestry that actually decorates my heart. She smiles so beautifully that it melts my and father’s heart. But in the corner of my heart, I wonder, ‘how much pain lives within her, while making us stronger each day.
Love you mumma….
Keshavi Somani, XI ‘B’
Let’s be like the moon,
Serene and bright!
Or be like the waves,
Always reaching new heights!
Let’s be like the top of the mountains,
Viewing world from a whole new perspective!
Or be like the rain,
Soothing to ears and giving people peace!
Let’s be like the forests,
Giving shelters to everyone without judging!
Or even better be like the whole nature,
Accepting flaws are beautiful,
And finding beauty in everything.
Aanchal Chaudhary – 8 ‘H’
She learns she is a girl
Not with a sense of pride
Her young mind feels that
She is on a weaker side.
She doesn’t even grow enough
To realise she has a gender
Her body becomes important
When her heart is pure and tender.
How to sit and how to walk
Whom to talk and what to say
Enough restrictions before she even feels free
Can she rise above and find her way?
She has to play with a doll
Why can’t she fly an aeroplane?
Before she realises, she is told
What she can’t do and what she can.
We live in the age of women power,
But a girl is still married off a young age,
Female feticide still exists in the society,
She is free but within a bigger cage.
She always remembers that she is a girl,
Gender stays in her mind, never goes away,
Give us a boy, they still pray,
Who can even see her dreams are,
Buried by the weight they lay?
Syna Shrestha, - 8 ‘A’
In the meadow, under the azure sky so wide,
Where the flowers bloom and butterflies glide,
Friendships warmth like the sun’s gentle ray,
Brightening each moment, come what way.
Through laughter and tears hand in hand we stand,
Together we walk, a bond so grand,
In the tapestry of life, colours blend and twine
Friends forever, a treasure divine.
When storms of life brew and shadows fall,
In the embrace of friendship, we stand tall,
A beacon of light in the darkest night,
Guiding each other with love so bright.
Through trials and triumphs, side by side we stride,
In the symphony of friendships,
Hearts beat with pride,
A melody of trust, loyalty and care,
Forever cherished, beyond compare.
So lets raise a toast to the ties that bind,
In the garden of friendship, true treasures we find,
For in each other, we discover and grow,
A friendships magic, a bond that will glow.
Sofiya Baniya, 8 ‘F’
A father’s love is strong and true,
A guiding star through skies so blue.
With gentle words and caring hands,
He helps and grow and understand.
He shows us how to face our fears,
With strength and hope through all the years.
A steady rock, he stands so tall,
A quiet hero through it all.
He works so hard from day to night,
To make sure everything’s alright.
With tired eyes, he still finds time,
To laugh and play and make life shine.
He teaches us to do out best,
To find our way and pass each test.
He cheers us on when times are tough,
And lifts us up with love enough.
A father’s love is deep and wide,
It’s always there, right by our side.
In every step, in all we do,
A father’s love is pure and true.
Saavya Rajbhandari – 7 ‘C’
My father the superhero,
Who made me no. 1 starting from 0,
He taught me everything about the world,
And spoke about the bad things word by word.
He took my finger and taught me how to walk,
Also how to do a polite talk,
He built everything for me and our family,
Not complaining regularly and doing it firmly.
When I was sad he made me happy,
No regrets, he did it gladly,
He bought me things I really needed,
Nothing left for him, but he never pleaded.
After all dads are the one,
Who will take care of us till he is dead and gone,
But I never hope that day will come,
Because he’s my superhero, my no. 1.
Manaswi Devkota – 6 ‘A’
An environment is the sum of all the living and non-living elements whose effect influence human life. Some of the examples of biotic elements are animals, plants and forestry, non-biotic elements are tables, chairs, beds etc.
Due to the natural world’s destruction environmental problems are increasing daily. Climate change, pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity are the major environmental problems.
Currently, human lives are badly affected because of environmental problems. Pollutants in the environment can have a massive impact on our health. Air and noise pollution are the most important cause of health hazards. The research shows that 90% of Europeans are seriously affected by air pollution. Besides, Climate change and pollution in rivers are also equally affecting the environment.
To analyze the situation, there is an urgent need to work for environmental protection. To address these problems some of the ways have most taken across the world.
3R (Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing) is one of the options to protect the environment. It helps to conserve landfill space.
The majority of people are contributing to environmental pollution due to the lack of adequate knowledge. So, providing knowledge is another way to protect the environment.
Eradicating the misuse of water and reusing the water could help environmental pollution.
Using a large number of plastics is one of the biggest mistake in human life. So, reducing and reusing the plastics could be easiest option to protect the environment.
Planting a tree is the valuable work to protect the environment. It gives food and oxygen to us. It makes the environment clean and helps to save our energy.
To sum up, because of the misuse of plastics and water, environment is being polluted. So 3R (Reducing, Recycling and Reusing) the water and plastics could be the best options to keep the environment clean.
Harshita Agrawal, - 7 ‘G’
With your love and wisdom, you light the way,
Dad, I’m grateful to you, each and everyday.
I will watch you as you guide me through life,
With you, I will be able to handle any strife.
You are my hero, that’s the truth,
I will look to you throughout the youth,
I love you and
Glad to have a dad like you.
Without you Dad, I wouldn’t be
The person I am today.
You built a strong foundation
No one can take away.
You have a place of honor
Deep within my heart.
You’ve been my superhero Dad,
Right from the very start.
You inspire me to be strong and true,
Dad I love you,
Happy Father’s Day to you!
Avanish Gupta, 7 ‘B’
Once there lived a cat,
It jumped from a window and fell on a mat.
It crawled the mat and saw a rat,
It followed with another cat and fell off the mat.
It landed on someone’s back
Saw the creature’s face and its mind got blank.
Tried to run from the man,
And got successful on its plan.
It sat under a tree,
And saw a hotel when it was free.
Slowly slowly went to the hotel,
Hiding from the manager, went through a portal.
It smelled a lot of tasty fish,
And went near the dish.
There was no one to look on it,
So it took the dish and went inside a pit
Anandita Shrestha, - 6 ‘G’
The clean environment is an essential part of our health and survival. We all know that now-a-days the trash and pollution and global warming is harming our planet and affecting many poor lives. Other people have dropped trash in rivers and other water bodies making it dirty and causing water pollution. People have wasted water by leaking taps and have caused air pollution by putting harmful substances in our surrounding air. But some people, organizations, governments are trying to resolve these occurring problems. The ways they are trying to help are by either simple or more affecting ways such as…
The simple act of ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ which is effective if all people follow these ways of conserving. Many people help by following the ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ by reducing the use of plastics and one use supplies. Reusing materials like shopping bags, containers, boxes by storing various items in it and ‘Recycling’ other plastics and our waste into other things which is useful for others making sure that the same used thing can be again used by someone else, extending the life of the appliance.
Another way to conserve for our planet is by ‘Conserving Water’. We can simply tightly close the taps after use, take shorter showers and avoiding leaking aps in our house. We should avoid wasting water also by not dropping inseparable chemicals in the water to increase purity in our surrounding water bodies.
Next we can help by ‘Conserving our Energy Usage’. We can do that by using solar energy to light up our house. We can also do this by switching off lights in the day time. Not only will it decrease the number in our electricity bill, it will also help to save energy for emergency.
After cutting trees for wood, another way to save our planet is by planting trees. We can either plant after we’ve cut or plant it where it is deforested. It will cause forests to flourish all over the planet. Forests help in absorbing carbon dioxide and helps in the purity of the air.
We can use ecofriendly products which will make our surrounding less filled with trash. We should useless plastic and buy things will less packaging to avoid throwing more plastic.
We can also support sustainable practices and Reduce car usage to decrease air pollution and use of greenhouse gases. These gases come from cars, plastic and factories. The burning of oil and coal causes release of carbon dioxide which causes impurities in our surrounding air.
There are many other different ways to protect our environment and one last point is to ‘Educate Others’. By spreading awareness, we can make other people to help in the process to making our surrounding clean and healthy.
“We all can work together to
Make a better place for us and all”.
Aditi Thapa, 6 ‘B’
“The greatest threat to our planet is that someone else will save it.” The need to protect the environment has become a crucial issue in the 21st century, as human activities increasingly threaten to the planet as delicate ecological imbalance. This essay will explore several key strategies for environmental protection, emphasizing actions that can be taken to safeguard the earth for future generations.
One of the most critical steps towards environment is transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable source of energy. Another vital strategy is promotion of sustainable agricultural particles. Equally important is the swift towards a circular strengthening global environmental governance is essential for coordinated action against climate change and other ecological threats. Public education and advocacy play and equally significant role in environmental protection. Raising awareness about the impacts of human activities on the planet can encourage individuals and communities to adopt more sustainable life styles. Finally, preserving natural habitats and bio-diversity is fundamental to maintaining the earth’s ecological balance.
In conclusion, protecting the environment requires a multifaceted approach that combines renewable energy adoption, sustainable, strong governance, circular economy particles education and habitat conservation. Our actions today will determine the quality of life for future generations, and must act decisively to safeguard the only planet we call “HOME”. “In the end, we will conserve only what we love only what we understand, we would understand only what we are taught” Robert Swan.
अधर्म पर धर्म का, गूंजता है संगीत,
दशहरा का त्योहार है, सच्चाई की जीत ।
बुराई पर अच्छाई की, दीप है जलती,
रावण के अंत की, कहानी यह कहती ।
राम की विजय, हमें सिखाती हर बार,
सत्य की राह पर चलो, चाहे हो कितनी भी मार ।
नारी शक्ति का भी, यह पर्व है साया,
दुर्गा माँ का आशीर्वाद, हम सब पर छाया ।
जलते हैं रावण के पुतले, देते संदेश हर साल,
अहंकार और बुराई का, होगा सदा यही हाल ।
मन में बसाओ राम, और सोचो वही,
दशहरा हमें सिखाता है, अच्छाई की महिमा यही ।
असत्य से लड़ें हम सच्चाई को अपनाएूं,
इस पव में हम एक नई कहानी सजाएूं ।
सत्य का मार्ग पकड़ो, बुराई को छोडो,
दशहरे का पर्व है, हम सबको जोड़ो ।
आओ मिलकर करें एक नारा,
हर दिल में हो विश्वास का सहारा ।
अधर्म पर धर्म का, गूंजता है संगीत,
दशहरा का त्योहार है, सच्चाई की जीत ।
– स्मृति श्रीवास्तव
डी.ए.वी स्कूल, काठमांडू
मेरी आत्मकथा
--- ट्विंकल पांडिया
हर इंसान की अपनी एक कहानी होती है। जो इंसान अपनी सारी अथवा बहुत लंबी जिंदगी की चुका हो, उसके पास लोगों को बताने लायक बहुत-सी मजेदार बातें और सीख देने वाले अनुभव होते हैं। परंतु मेरी उम्र अभी उतनी नहीं हुई है। भले ही जिंदगी के बारे में मेरा अनुभव कम है, पर फिर भी अपने इस 17 साल के जीवन में बीते वे हर पल जिन्होंने मुझे आज की किशोरी में परिवर्तित किया है, इस आत्मकथा के द्वारा आप सबको बताना चाहती हूँ। मेरा नाम है ट्विंकल पांडिया है। मुझे मेरे दोस्त और शिक्षक 'ट्विंकल ट्विंकल लिटिल स्टार' भी कहते हैं।
वैसे तो मेरा जन्म भारत में राजस्थान के एक छोटे से गाँव नापासर में हुआ था, पर आज मैं अपने माता-पिता, भाई और बहन के साथ नेपाल में रहती हूँ। मैं डीएवी स्कूल, काठमांडू में पढ़ने वाली कक्षा 11वीं की एक विद्यार्थी हूँ। मेरी माता का नाम सुमन पांडिया और पिता का नाम भरत पांडिया है। मेरी कुछ विशेष रुचियाँ हैं--हारमोनियम बजाना, किताबें पढ़ना, नृत्य करना और गाने सुनना। वैसे तो मुझे सिनेमा देखना भी बहुत पसंद है, जिसके कारण मेरी एक विचित्र रुचि यह भी होने लगी है कि कभी-कभी मैं आईने के सामने फिल्मी डायलॉग बोलती रहती हूँ। मेरे माता-पिता ने मुझे कभी भी उन कार्यों को करने से नहीं रोका जो मुझे पसंद हैं। मेरे पिता एक बहुत खुले विचारों वाले व्यक्ति हैं, जिन्होंने मुझे हमेशा और भी अधिक साहसी बनने की सीख दी है। वहीं मेरी माता ने मुझे एक संस्कारी, सभ्य और ईमानदार व्यक्ति बनना सिखाया है। परंतु मुझे मनुष्य जीवन का असली तात्पर्य तब समझ में आया जब मैं दसवीं की बोर्ड परीक्षा के बाद वृंदावन दर्शन के लिए गई थी। वहाँ जाना मेरे जीवन का सबसे अच्छा और सुंदर अनुभव था। सच कहें तो वहाँ के मंदिर और यमुना माता का दर्शन करके मुझे जो सुख मिला, ऐसा सुख मुझे संसार में कहीं नहीं मिला था। मेरे जीवन में अध्यात्म और भक्ति का बहुत महत्व है। इन सब के साथ-साथ जीवन में कुछ मजेदार भाव भी होने चाहिए, जिन्हें याद करके हम खुद भी हँस सकें और औरों को भी हँसा सकें। मेरे जीवन में भी बहुत से ऐसे कई मजेदार पल हैं, जिन्हें मैं कभी नहीं भूल सकती। जैसे कि बचपन में मैं और मेरे मामा खेलते खेलते नाना के ट्रक में छुप गए थे, जो हमें दूसरे गाँव ले गया। घर में सब हमें ढूँढते ही रह गए थे और काफी हाहाकार मच गया था। बचपन के ऐसे और भी कई छोटे-मोटे और प्यारभरे किस्से हैं, जैसे गली में दोस्तों के साथ मिट्टी से बने छोटे-छोटे बर्तनों के साथ घर-घर खेलना, खेल को और मजेदार बनाने के लिए अपनी-अपनी मम्मीयों की साड़ी पहनकर उनके जैसे काम करने का नाटक करना, लॉकडाउन के समय ऑनलाइन क्लासेज के दौरान दोस्तों से चैटिंग करना, उनके साथ फिल्म देखना आदि।
मेरे जीवन का अधिकतर समय नेपाल में बीता है। यहाँ मेरे बचपन की सबसे ज्यादा और सबसे प्यारी यादें हैं। यहाँ रहकर जो मेरी सबसे पक्की सहेलियाँ बनी हैं, वे हैं -- गुड्डू और अंशु। हम बचपन से एक ही गली में साथ-साथ खेलते पढ़ते हुए बड़े हुए हैं। इनके अलावा स्कूल में भी मेरे काफी दोस्त हैं, जिन्होंने हमेशा मेरे अच्छे और बुरे वक्त में मेरा साथ दिया है। पढ़ाई-लिखाई में मैं ठीक-ठाक हूँ, पर किताबों से बाहर की दुनिया ने मुझे ज्यादा आकर्षित किया है। मेरे लिए किताबी ज्ञान ही सब कुछ नहीं है। अनुभव और जिज्ञासा भी इंसान को बहुत कुछ सीखाते हैं और बहुत कुछ करने की प्रेरणा देती हैं। जैसे मेरे प्रेरणा के स्रोत हैं -- आजादी के वीर भगत सिंह, रानी लक्ष्मीबाई, सुभाष चंद्र बोस जैसी कुछ महान हस्तियाँ, जिन्होंने अपने देश के लिए अपनी जान तक की कुर्बानी दे दी थी। ऐसे ही देश के प्रति योगदान देने वाले लोगों में मेरा नाम भी शामिल हो, यही मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य है।
मेरा जीवन मेरे परिवार, भगवान श्रीकृष्ण और मेरे देश से प्रेरित है। मैं अपने सपनों को साकार करने के लिए निरंतर प्रयास करती रहूँगी जो मैंने अपने परिवार से सीखा है। मेरा उद्देश्य सिर्फ खुद के लिए नहीं बल्कि समाज और देश के लिए कुछ करने का भी है। मेरे जीवन का असली उद्देश्य है -- सेवा, समर्पण और भक्ति। यही मेरे जीवन की अबतक की कहानी है। यही मेरे जीवन का सार है।
भगवान की सृष्टि
-- शुभेच्छा पात्रा
कक्षा: 10 'आई'
"नानी! नानी!! एक कहानी सुनाओ न।" -- अथर्व अपनी नानी के पल्लू को खींचता हुआ बोला।
"बेटा, रुक जाओ थोड़ी देर। मुझे काम करना है अभी।"
"नहीं! मुझे अभी कहानी सुनाओ।"
"अच्छा, ठीक है। लेकिन चुपचाप सुनना।"
" ठीक है।" -- अथर्व खुशी से बोला।
बहुत समय पहले की बात है। भगवान ने एक मिट्टी का गोला बनाया। वह गोला बहुत ही अद्वितीय और सुंदर था, लेकिन उसमें जीवन की शक्ति की कमी थी। भगवान ने तय किया कि वह विभिन्न प्राणियों और पक्षियों को जोड़कर इस गोले को जीवंत बनाएँगे। उन्होंने पहले पेड़-पौधे बनाए जिससे वह गोला और भी मनमोहक लगने लगा। फिर उन्होंने पक्षियों को बनाया। कुछ बड़े तो कुछ छोटे। उन्हें उड़ने की क्षमता भी दे दी, जिससे आसमान और भी ज्यादा रंग-बिरंगी लगने लगा। उन्होंने फिर मछलियों की सृष्टि की और उन्हें तैरने की क्षमता दी जिससे नदी, तालाब, समुद्र इन मछलियों से भर उठे। भगवान ने फिर कई जानवरों की रचना की। कुछ जानवरों को छोटा, मासुम और अहानिकारक बनाया तो वहीं उन्होंने कुछ जानवरों को विशाल और भयानक बनाया। भगवान की इन रचनाओं के बाद वह मिट्टी का गोला अब खिल उठा था, परंतु भगवान को अभी भी संतुष्टि प्राप्त नहीं हुई थी। वह फिर मिट्टी से कुछ बनाने का प्रयास कर रहे थे। इस बार उन्होंने एक दो पैरों वाला प्राणी बनाया। उन्होंने तय किया कि वह इस प्राणी में थोड़ा-थोड़ा करके अब तक निर्मित सभी प्राणियों की क्षमताओं को कम कम मात्रा में उसे प्रदान करेंगे। ... और फिर इस प्रकार जन्म हुआ मानव का। इस तरह भगवान ने अपनी रचना, अपनी सृष्टि को पूरा किया और दुनिया को सुंदर और संतुलित बनाया जहाँ प्राणी अपनी योग्यताओं के साथ रह सकते हैं और मानव अपनी बुद्धिमत्ता और समझ से ईश्वर की संरचना को और अधिक विकसित कर सकता है।
"नानी! यदि मैं भी मिट्टी से खिलौना बनाऊँ तो मुझे भी नए नए खिलौने मिल जाएँगे न?" -- अथर्व ने मासूमियत से पूछा। परंतु जवाब के बदले उसके मासूम सवाल पर उसकी नानी हँस पड़ी।
"क्या हुआ? हंस क्यों रही हो?" -- इस बार उसने थोड़े गुस्से से पूछा।
"कुछ नहीं। चलो, अभी सो जाओ। बहुत रात हो गई है। इस प्रश्न का उत्तर मैं तुम्हें कल बताऊँगी।"
"हाँ बाबा, पक्का।" (आत्मकथा)
Floreena G.C.
The moon, river and I
We have a special bond.
It is like an old friend.
It is like a guide.
It is there for me.
The moon, river and I
We share a special connection.
Although the river serves as
“dream maker” or “heart breaker”
We have no choice but to go along
The path it takes us on.
While the moon lights the way.
She doesn’t know, who she is,
She tries to figure it out, but she just can’t.
It is supposed to be that hard?
Who is she, really?
Is she supposed to be the one who obeys?
Who does everything she’s told?
Is she someone
who is expected to follow the rules,
To walk the path that is unknown?
Or Is she someone who rebels?
Who doesn’t follow the rules, she thinks are amiss.
She forages a new path.
She does not adhere to the crowd,
She crowds yields to her.
She does not obey, she rules.
But, is this her?
Or, Are all these just to know,
Who she really is?
I complained of how my bed was cold and hard,
As a rock someone would be sleeping on it.
Then I saw a homeless man, dirty and dusty
Sleeping on the ground
Gazing at the sky
Under the blanket of blissful sky, - smiling.
I grumbled how tiring it was,
Eating the same food every day.
Then I saw some poor children,
Scrapping food from the dirty tins of steel boxes.
A smile lighting up their faces
As if they hadn’t eaten for days.
I lamented my old, worn-out clothes,
Then I realised
How many can’t even afford to have one.
I realise,
We’re too late to admire, our luck
While we have, which
Others might only dream of.
Complaining brings nothing, but more pain and suffering
But acceptance, it brings wisdom of being grateful.
The genie has given me a hectic task
What are the 3 wish I should ask.
Maybe a luxurious car that I can ride
Or the ability to swim like a tide
Maybe food which never ends
Or some real trustworthy friends
Maybe I should ask for unlimited money
Or a person who can call me honey
Maybe to travel the whole world
Or a house with diamonds twirled
I wish I knew but I can't decide
‘Ask them all’ says my greedy side
When nobody
Wakes you up in the
Morning, and when
Nobody waits for you
At night, and when
You can do
Whatever you want,
What do you call it
Freedom (azadi) or Loneliness (akelapan)
Why should we fell the
Truth when lying could benefit us!!!
If every people in this world
Accomplish’s then every life on the
Earth will be smooth (makhan) or rough (pathar)
What if there were no religion?
If we could switch the lives with
Anyone, who would it be and why???
Are you living or just going
To die?
Good Character is essential to success! Character matters in life because it influences how effectively we can achieve your objectives whether people want to work with us and how well we fit into our teams we may become more successful and confident in what we do if we work hard and are motivated to attain our objectives.
When we treat others fairly and honestly they will want to work with us and even may assist us in achieving our objectives. We will fit in and be accepted if we obey the laws and regulations of our society, culture and organizations. As a result, we will have better relationships and more developed personality, which will eventually lead us to a successful life. We are more likely to achieve our objectives it we have excellent or positive character qualities such as hard working and diligent about what we do. As a result, we may feel more confident in our capacity to attain our objectives. But, if we have fault character such as proclivity for procrastination or carelessness in our actions, we may miss out opportunities or even fail to meet our objectives.
Now, let's take a step back to understand how our character influences our position, whether we are an aspiring leader, or just a leader or even just attempting to impress others. Instead of following others or making unattractive selections to get ahead at work, characters will help us be clearer and more confident in our decisions.
Success is subjective and it depends on how we define success. Character is immutable, like the foundation of a building. If we show genuine character strength, something that appears to be successful may not be pleasurable. Standing up for our principles and morals is a sign of character. Success is the result of the outside world, while the character is the result of the inside world. They may seem unrelated but a good character leads to become a successful person.
Dog is a domestic animal.
It has four legs.
It has one tail.
It keeps us safe.
It is friendly and loyal.
It eats meat and bones.
It protects our homes.
It is like our family member.
Police also use dogs for catching thieves.
There are different types of dogs.
They are of different colours and sizes.
The baby dog is called a puppy.
It lives in a kennel.
Dog is my favourite animal
I love to play with dogs.
Life is so strange
Nothing stays the same
Everything changes
But who to blame
Life is like a game
Where you have to lose
Before you can gain
To win you have to face the fearful rain
In life…They always say
Don’t use your heart
Only use your brain
In life there is love
But the more is hate
No one decide
They all hesitate
And who knows the fate
The closest people you need go away
When you need them the most
You find them lost
Day after day
Days go by
People are born…and others die
Year after year
No one understands
Nothing is clear
Nothing in our hearts except fear
Today you walk and talk
Tomorrow you lay in your grave
And nothing if you gave
The money that you save
And no use of your gold
When it won’t be sold
You have to be strong
Stop doing the wrong
And never life
Be ready for your last goodbye.
Good morning esteemed judges, respected teachers, participants and all present here!
I, Mayank Jain, of grade XII ‘A’ representing Mount Dhaulagiri House, stand before you to deliver a speech on - "The importance of library for students".
First of all, I would request you all to give a huge round of applause to the hidden gem of our school: The Library. We all see the library as a hall filled with thousands of books – both new and old. Some books are so old that even our grandfathers had black hair when reading them. But I request you all to change your perspective towards the library. Library is a place where anything you touch fills you with knowledge and skills. Skills like learning of listening. Most importantly, it teaches you the art of silence.
Talking about our school, we all have been given a single library period a week, which many of us see a leisure to sit and gossip or to complete our incomplete sleep schedule. I was among this group until I reached my grade 11, where our first-floor, beautiful library gave me access to books which cost free - some of them were S.L. Arora and H.C. Verma.
Our school also provides us with a library card which many of us see as a ninja star shooting it here and there or else keeping it in clear bag for their entire life without using it. But I want to tell you friends that its wrong! Library card is like a passport and books are like countries. The card allows access you to millions of ideas - so use it wisely.
Library is like a treasure hunt until one day you find a book which makes you a book lover or gives you a life lesson. For me, it was ‘The Psychology of Money’ by Morgan Housel. It was kept on the Teachers table and I randomly read the first 3/4 pages and ended up reading the whole book which gave me a belief that I can also read books and enjoy.
All superheroes wear caps but our Librarians don't. Our Librarians have a genuine superpower of knowing where a particular book by a specific author is kept, in which column of the library. And yes, it requires a lot of memory power. So next time you visit the library, make sure to thank your teachers who helped you find your resources which you couldn’t find even if you were given 5 – 6 hours.
Library provides you with curriculum, books and teachers too. The teachers get a chance to give you a depth of knowledge for a specific topic using resource book. So don’t choose a book by looking at its cover instead take it to cover your life with some knowledge.
In conclusion, I would like to say that whenever you pass by the library, just remember, it’s a magical land where, keeping quiet is the superpower and all you need is curiosity.
So, dive into the sea of knowledge and revel the peacefulness. Stay curious and keep reading.
With this, I, Mayank Jain, thank you for patiently listening to my speech.
Thank you all!
My warm greetings to everyone present here. Today, I, Aastha Thakur, am more than honored to represent Annapurna House in the Interhouse Speech Competition organized by Hellen Keller Library Club on the topic “Importance of School Libraries at school”. So, let me take to a journey of the spectacular realm of libraries without further ado.
Well, when it comes to libraries, I am teleported back to Grade 1 when I had my first school library experience. I clearly remember the zeal I had that day gazing at the hall filled with countless number of books that carried a peculiar identity of their own; waiting for their stories to be unfolded and brought into perspective. That was the day when I had wondered if I would ever be able to read all the books kept there and that is what ignited a deep love for reading within me which has only grown stronger and stronger with each passing day.
Honestly speaking, school libraries have always been my escape starting from my formative years of primary school up until now. One secret that I have unlocked about school libraries is that they are the keys to the doors of endless possibilities, yes, you heard that right! School libraries have been my place, a lifeline and a refuge. In libraries, I could solve weighty problems with world leaders, I could live the life of Anne Frank or Anne Boleyn. I could visit Antarctica or any other planet like Uranus. I could get tour the Hogwarts and unravel the mysteries of the witch-craft world through the Harry potter series or just enjoy the Lilliputian world through the Gulliver’s travels. Each step to issuing a book at library has helped me develop empathy, imaginative power, critical thinking skills, oratory skills and most importantly, it has helped me develop “EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE” which is much needed in the society.
But, let me assure you that entering the library is not only about entering a world of fictional characters or a storehouse of information. In fact, they are also a place for like minds to connect. You can pick up “To Kill a Mockingbird” and find how you and Scout Finch have the same views about the world. Well, why only fictional characters? You could connect with your own friends through your similar choices of books. I don’t know about you all, but I have come across so many instances where me and my friends discuss over our favorite set of books, favorite authors and share our perspective about the writer or the book which immensely helps us connect as individuals and learn from each other. My friends, that is exactly the power that school libraries hold.
However, despite all of these splendid possibilities that awaits us, our generation seems to have grown distant from the lucrative reading world. It’s surprising to see how people only talk about Instagram, movies, or web series when you can sit in the cubicles of your school libraries and teleport yourself back in time, forward in time, to whichever place you want and delve into the life of your favorite fictional character or real-life inspiration. Thus, I believe, that every individual must utilize the privilege of having school libraries at our school and embrace the culture of libraries that values diversity, imagination and exploration. Thankyou!
In shadows cast by fleeting years,
We walk the path of silent tears,
The days go by, like whispered sighs,
In the fading light of endless skies.
Dreams once bright now gently fade,
In twilight’s grasp, they’re softly laid,
The echoes of what might have been,
Hunt the spaces we live in.
Time’s gentle hands, they pull us on,
Through moments lost and chances gone,
We chase the sun, yet still it sets,
Leaving behind a trail of regrets.
In quiet nights, we find our truth,
The fragile beauty of lost youth,
And is sorrow, something stays,
A tender in the darkest days.
रात की चादर में, जब सब सोते हैं खुशी से,
एक मााँ अपने बच्चे के साथ बैठी, आसमान की ओर देखती है।
बच्चा हंसता है, फिर चााँद को देखता है, और कहता है मााँ से उसे उठा ले।
मााँ मुस्कान के साथ कहती है, ूस्वर्ग जाकर नीचे भेज ाँर्ी, प्यारे । ू
प्यारी बाहों में, वह उसे सुलाती है, र्हरी और मीठी नींद में ललपटाती है।
विदुश्री पारीक १० H
Grade: I 'A'
Dog is a domestic animal
It has four legs. It has one tail.
It is friendly and loyal. It eats meat and bone.
It protects our home. It is like our family member.
Police also use dogs for catching thieves.
There are different types of dogs.
They are of different colours and sizes.
The baby dog is called a puppy.
It lives in a kennel.
Dog is my favourite animal.
I love to play with dogs.
गर्छ धेरै पढाइ
मेरो प्यारो भाइ
खेल्छ रमाई रमाई
म चलाउँछु साइकल
भाइ खेल्छ फुटबल
चकचक गर्ने बानी
जति भनेनी नमान्नी ।
घरको छेउमा अम्बाको बोट
उसलाई खेल्दा लाग्यो चोट
बाटोमा दौडिन्छ दायाँ बायाँ
मैले गर्छु भाइलाई धेरै माया
बुबा, हजुर हुनुहुन्छ नै मेरो जीवनको सहारा,
ठूलो भएपछि तपाई जस्तै हुने हो, मेरो चाहना ।
जति बेला पनि तपाईंको शब्दमा पाउँछु माया,
पोल्ने घाममा पनि मेरो लागि बनाइदिनुहुन्छ छाया ।
बुबा, हजुरप्रति माया कसरी बुझाऊ रु
शब्दहरू आउदैनन् मेरो मुखबाट ।
हजुरले आफ्नो मायालु हातले
मलाई हटाउनुहुन्छ संसारको दुःखबाट।
बुबा, म सधैभरि तपाईंको साथी बन्ने छु,
हजुरलाई दुःख दिने छुइनँ ।
हजुरले राख्नुभएको आशा पूरा गर्ने छु,
हजुर बिना त म कोही पनि होइन ।
नुवान कुलुङ राई
कक्षा १० ‘D’
Namdima Angbo Limbu
Grade : IX 'E'
A Mothers love knows no end to her child,
She will constantly send a love like no other
A love between a child and a mother
Through the highs and the lows
A mother's Love only grows
She is there when You need her most,
With a big mother's love dose
मलाई चिन्ता लागेको हिजोअस्ति देखि होइन ।
देशले शान्ति मागेको हिजोअस्ति देखि होइन ।।
यो देशका युवाहरू खोज्दै छन् रोजगारी ।
युवाशक्ति जागेको हिजोअस्ति देखि होइन ।।
किन छौँ सबै मौन देश धरापमा पर्दा पनि ।
नेपाली जनता तातेको हिजोअस्ति देखि होइन ।।
इतिहास मेटिएको छैन अझै नि वीरताले ।
मैले भ्रातृत्व भाकेको हिजोअस्ति देखि होइन ।।
कल्पना भट्ट (शिक्षिका)
In the quiet of the night, I work away.
My kids are sleeping; they had their play.
Passion fuels me, keeps me strong,
Hard work drives me all night long.
Deadlines are near; there's much to do.
Balancing life with kids, just two.
Time slips by like sand in a hand.
Yet I push on, with a steady stand.
Life has taught me deep lessons.
Not to judge or lose sleep.
Looks don't matter; it's heart and soul.
That truly defines us and makes us whole.
So let them judge; I do not mind.
In my work, I find true peace.
A mother, a worker, all combined,
Creating dreams, one step at a time.
Ms. Isha Tripathi
Muskan Barai- Grade X 'E'
I am thrilled to recount my unforgettable experience at the PASCH Youth Course in Germany. After eagerly anticipating for three months and ten days since being selected, I finally embarked on a journey to a place I had always dreamed of visiting.
On the afternoon of 1st June, 2024, accompanied by my tearful yet proud mom and smiling dad, I entered the airport. I flew to Mumbai with Stuti ma'am from the Goethe Institute, where we spent the night. The following day, I met the Indian team joining me for the course, and together we headed towards Germany. After a lengthy journey with several layovers, we finally reached the campus.
We received a warm welcome from our caretakers, who would guide us throughout the course. They were incredibly kind and supportive. The moment I received my Teilnehmersausweis (PASCH ID card), I felt a surge of pride.
The next day, I began attending German language classes in preparation for the upcoming A2 Level German language test. Each day started with breakfast followed by language lessons and a variety of enjoyable activities such as Mandala art, creating music albums, cycling, baking, cooking, outings, and crafting necklaces from rhinestones, among others.
One memorable event was the Länderabend, where each participant showcased something representing their country. Our team performed a traditional Newari Dance in authentic Newari attire.
Weekends were equally thrilling. During the first weekend, we explored Hamburg and visited a museum of ships. The following day, we enjoyed a "bad taste" party where we dressed humorously. The next weekend, we toured Tönning, visited an aquatic museum, and had a beach-themed party.
Throughout the week, we visited Kiel University and the Nordsee beach, culminating in the "Abschlussabend" to bid farewell to everyone.
Beyond the activities, the highlight was the friendships I formed. Meeting incredible people from around the globe and sharing these experiences was truly amazing. We forged bonds and created memories that will last a lifetime.
After 22 days filled with learning and adventure, I returned home with a mind enriched with knowledge and a heart brimming with cherished memories. I dearly miss my PASCH team and roommates, and I hope our paths cross again someday.
Name: Aadya Jha
Grade: X ‘J’
I’m not someone’s favourite,
I’m not anyone’s go to
I’m not someone’s homie
I’m not anyone’s dream
Come true
I’m not someone’s sunshine
I’m not anyone’s reason to smile
I’m Mee
A person who loves small
Who yet to find what
Having a bunch of friends
Look like.
Who loves to be someone
Who has big dreams
Who wants to shine
I’m Mee
Who always says, “I’m fine”
No matter what is in
Her mind.
Name: Sushrusa Maharjan
Grade: X ‘G’
Drifting form sea to sea, singing my lonely tune in search of the one that can understand me. “What are you?” You might ask.
I am an outcast, a freak of nature born with a fate of loneliness.
But, I have overheard form others in the sea that they have seen my King travelling while singing along with his families. Yet, I remain a lone whale consumed by the solitue that comes with being different from your kind.
Meanwhile, the creatures that have heard my calling have commented on my strange noises behind my back. I lack similarity to the other whales, as I do not sound the same. The wise ones discussed about whether the other could understand me or not but they were unable to verify any of their theories.
The most agreed theory was that their hearing range could not contain my sound levels. And communication would not be possible even if we were face to face.
I was at a loss of words and thought to myself “Do I deserve this loneliness just because I sing at 52 hecta?” Even so, I shall continue to sing, eternally waiting for someone who can understand me, so that we may sing together in harmony for asl long as we live. Until that day finally arrives, I shall contue to drift on and on and on...
Name: Subhecha Patra
Grade: X ‘I’
What defines you?
People often say,
Your grades define you,
Or may be your stupid little job.
Its maybe the money you make
Or the way you walk.
Are you the food you eat?
Or the way you talk?
Maybe you are all that
But what if,
You are the passion you follow
And the way you love.
May be you are the flower
That blooms after rain,
Or the silly little laughter
After you make a stupid mistake.
Oh, my darling! You are an undeniable masterpiece
But here they say again,
What defines you?
Name: Mansi Singh
Grade: X ‘J’
I was on my usual stalking following cycling routine when I saw a Cracked Wall. To me, the wall seemed very sad. It seemed as if it had cracked because of the unbearable screams of anger and frustration that it had to deal with; screams that often reminds us of a couple who used to be deep but unfortunately, fate had something else for them. Every passing day had kept getting gloomier for them. One day, the husband just had enough and left the house. The tree beside the house lost all its leaves. Yet the man didn’t return. Impatience got the best of the lady. May be, the wall started losing its paint and the lady inside the four walls started losing herself too. I think the wall accompanied the lady through a lot of phases and sadly, even death. Although she was married to the man, maybe the wall loved her way more than he ever could. I then came back to reality and started pedaling away because at last, this was all just a mind’s eye moment.
Name: Harshita Agrawal
Grade : X 'H'
If I could be a cookie,
Oh, what a treat!
With flavour so sweet, and
Texture so neat
Soft and chewy or crispy
And sweet
A treat of all, a joy to eat.
I’d be golden brown, with
Chocolates chips galore,
Melting in your mouth, leaving
You wanting more.
I’d bring joy and comfort,
With each delicious bite,
A little piece of happiness,
Brining pure delight.
I’d be enjoyed with milk, a
Classic combination,
Or maybe with ice-cream, a sweet
I’d be shared with friends,
Creating memories so dear,
A simple pleasure that brings everyone near.
“It is better to be alone than surrounded by fake people.”
Name: Anaya Singh
Grade: IX ‘F’
I personally believe that it is better to be alone than surrounded by fake people because being surrounded by fake people is equivalent to having no one in life and it both carries the same meaning. Being alone in life teaches you a lot of things like being independent, standing up for ownselves, self-love etc.
Staying alone does not mean you are lonely or left out. It means that you enjoy your own company and is happy staying your ownself. It even has a massive effect on your vision, the mass most of the time believes that you cannot enjoy alone and need a group of friends to enjoy but staying alone changes your perspective towards the whole scenario. It makes you experience the enjoyment and happiness of staying alone.
In addition to these, I would like to add that being dependent on people should be minimized and they should start being independent and enjoy on their own.
Sadhwi Devkota
Good morning everyone, today. I, Sadhwi Devkota stand before you all to discuss a matter that makes a deep impact in all your lives. My topic is 'The art of Positive Thinking.'
The prespective we adopt often dictates the colors we decide to paint with on the larger canvas that is life. Like a great artist, positive thinking can turn the ordinary things into the spectacular and the challenges into chances.
Making the conscious decision to concentrate on the positive parts of life despite obstacles is what positive thinking entails. It goes beyond simply donning rose-colored glasses. It is important because it has the power to influence our attitudes, perception and eventually our actions. Resilience, inventiveness and growth are all accelerated by a cheerful outlook. It empowers us to navigate a sense of gratitude for life's blesings.
It entails choosing opportunity over restriction, bravery over fear, and optimism over pessimism. It encourages us to have the courage to dream large despite uncertainty and having faith in oneself despite what the outside world may say. We open the door to a world of limitless opportunities where every challange is only an opportunity to get stronger and where failure is not a setback but rather a stepping tool.
Thank you thank you all ,
My father's name is Dr. Shyam Prakash Dumre. He was born on 25th December, 1978. He was born in Waling -14, Syangja, Nepal. His father was Tika Ram Dumre and his mother was Tika Kumari Dumre. My father is a professor. He has passed Ph. D from Thailand. He works in Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. He likes playing badminton, singing modern songs and dancing with rock songs. I like my father because he takes care of me and my family. He is my source of inspiration. He is the one who taught me the importance of honesty, responsibility and value of hard work. I love my father very much.
Name: Vedanshi Dumre
Grade: III'C'
My mother's name is Babita Banjara. She was born on 17th August 1988 in Kavre District. Her father's name is Govinda Banjara and mother's name is Shubhadra Banjara. She has passed +2 from Siddhartha Academy, Banepa. My mother is a homemaker. She likes listening old songs and dancing. I like my mother because she supports me in every situation. She motivates me in my studies and teaches me to be obident and polite to others. I love to eat delicious food she makes. I love her very much. I will be always grateful to her.
Name: Savya Ghimire
Grade: IV 'E'
Roll No.: 23
My father's name is Hari Mehta. He was born on 3rd June 1981, (2035, Jestha 21). He was born in Inaruwa Sunsari. His father was Prem Lal Mehta. His mother was Mahabati Mehta. He has passed Master's Degree from Tribhuvan University. He is a businessman. He works in Balkumari, Lalitpur. He likes playing football,
singing Hindi songs and dancing with Nepali songs. I like my father because he is a kind-hearted and soft-spoken person. When I make mistakes, he never scolds me but teaches me to be a good person. He works till late night to fulfill our needs. So, I love my father very much.
Name: Rihansee Mehta
Grade III 'E'
Roll no: 26
What if I tell you that Bhagvad Gita is not a religious text? Yes, you heard it right. It's not a religious text but it's the world's first life guide. This thousand years old book is still relevant in this modern age. So, does that mean that today's youth can learn something from Bhagvad Gita? Let me tell you about its 3 lessons which are my favourite.
1. Let's talk about being Arjun
We all have some anxiety in our minds when we deal with the easiest exam papers according to teachers but the toughest one for us. Like us even Arjuna in Kurukshetra was hesitant and doubted his capabilities. Like some of us Arjun had also accepted his defeat without even fighting for it. He had questions about whether he could fight against his own guru. Then our mentor Krishna made Arjun understand that no individual is above knowledge and knowledge is the world's biggest strength. Dronacharaya was a very good teacher but Arjun couldn't just become the world's best archer due to him. Arjun devoted and pursued his life to knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge helped him become capable. For we students, studies are the training ground and knowledge prepares us for a war called exam. To win over this war we need to have a weapon of knowledge of the subject and knowledge of oneself.
2. Distractions
Our world these days is filled with distractions. The phone we used in study during lockdown is the same phone filled with multiple distractions. I am not asking you to spend your time wondering how can Bhagvad Gita teach us how to not get addicted to phone because I am here with your answers. According to lord Krishna, we have 3 distinct qualities i.e., Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik. Tamasik means short term pleasure like addiction of phone, social media, etc. Rajasik are the things we do for our entertainment. Satvik are the things that are difficult for us to do. Gita tells us that we need to balance these three qualities. We should set our goal to reduce the Tamasik qualities. I know the difficult things bring joy but we can make it fun right. This is what Gita tells us to increase your interest in Satvik things.
3. Failure
We live in a world where competition demoralizes some of us. Shri Krishna told Aurjun that results don't depend on your effort alone but they depend on many things that are not in your control. He teaches us to not only work for results but work for the right reasons. We should work hard because that is the right path to move forward. And, as mentioned in three idiots, "kamyaab hone ke liye nahi kaabil hone
Ke liye padho, success ke piche nahi excellence ka picha karo, success jhak maar ke tumhare piche aayegi". Not even trying for the fear of bad result is foolishness. So just keep giving your best.
Yes, Gita is too old for today's generation but its knowledge contains no expiry dates. Lastly, if you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl.
But whatever you have to do, you have to keep moving forward -By Martin Luther King.
Name: Garima Bhagat
Grade: XI'B'
My father's name is Krishna Bahadur Thing. He was born on August 31, 1983. He was born in Manahari, Makawanpur. His father's name is Bishnu Bahadur Thing and his mother's name is Sukumaya Thing. He has passed Master's Degree from TU. He is a businessman. He works in Om Shanti Auto Center. He likes playing volleyball, taekwondo, football and cricket. I like my father because he motivates me to work hard and is always in worry when I get sick. He is the most selfless person I have ever met. He is kind and always encourages us to stay positive. So, I think I am very lucky to get a kind father like him.
Name: Choyongee Thing
Class: IV 'H'
Nistha Jain
29th August, 2023
Grade: XI 'D'
George Boole was born on 2nd November 1815 in Lincolnshire, England. He died on December 8, 1869, Ballintemple, County Cork, Ireland.
He was an English Mathematician who helped to establish modern symbolic logic and whose algebra of logic and many other contributions are there in the world today. ‘Boolean Algebra’ is named after his last name ‘Boole.’ The Boolean Algebra is basic to the design of digital computer circuits.
George Boole is a legendary mathematician, who is also known as ‘Grandfather of the digital world and one of Lincoln's greatest minds.’ His ground breaking work ‘An investigation of the Laws of Thought’ in 1854, formulated his 3 fundamental laws of logic that is now known as ‘Boole's Law of Thought.’ These laws established a mathematical framework for reasoning and laid the groundwork for Symbolic logic - a method of representing logical relationships using symbols rather than words.
Overall, George Boole's contribution to logic and mathematics have had a profound and lasting impact on fields such as computer science, philosophy and engineering. His ideas continue to be a prerequisite in the design and functioning of modern digital technologies.
Manshi Singh
Grade: IX 'F'
Mr. Ike Eveland is a great novelist, who has a great history of being a multitalented. He was born on 12th of July in the great land of Sweden. He is a well-known individual around the present year with a great number of followers along his side inspired by his works.
He joined the company Nijisanji on 11th December 2020 and made his debut on 1st January 2021 along with his co-workers and genmales. Mr. Eveland was renowned with the lille of The Novelist from the past " from C hi followers and was a member of the new wave of Nijisanji En's 4th "Luxiem" with his gen-mates Luca Kaneshiro, Vos Akuma, Shu Yamino and Mysta Rias.
He is known for his amazing work with novels and music and has a fascinating liking to caviar on toast and a wide knowledge on The Vocaloid genre. His new found job as a V-Tuber on the internet has gone a long way as up to 2 years by now and he wishes to continue his work as said by him on his latest vods. He is known/ given by his folowing filles as 'The man of gender' C "Funny Swedish Man "The Vocaloid King and many more, there is even a particular title for him given by one of his gen-mates Mr. Vox Akuma for their Vods together and is named as the Horror for Husbands as some may say. He is also famous for his humor and way of expressing him self to others around him despite showing a whole new personality with other very close to him.
His voice being quite relaxing and charming people usually like his Zatsudan Vods on his stroms. He has collabed with many different V. Tubers personalities on his time and will continue with Mr. Eveland who is greatly praised for his knowledge of languages as he is fluent in all English and Swedish along with Survival" Japanese He has met talents world - wide who along with his co-workers and His followers expect more from him in the future alongside him.
Krish Mahato
Grade: XI 'C'
29 Aug, 2023
Sir Issac Newton was born on 4th January 1643 and died on 31st March 1727. He was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian and author. He was described in his time as a natural philosopher.
Moreover, he was a key figure in the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment that followed. His pioneering book, first published in 1687, consolidated many previous results and established classical mechanics.
Newton also made seminal contributions to optics and share credit with German Mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for developing infinitesimal calculus. In ThePrincipia, Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific view point for centuries until it was superseded by the Theory of Relativity.
Newton used his mathematical description of gravity to derive Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, account for tides, the transections of comets, the precession of the equinoxes and other phenomena, eradicating doubt about the solar system as heliocentric. He demonstrated that the motion of objects on earth and celestial bodies could be accounted for by the same principles. Newton built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a sophisticated theory of colour based prism separating white light.
Keshavi Somani
Grade: X 'F'
Blackpink -the world's greatest K-pop girl band is making history around the world. The one who struggled a lot and who had to live with cockroaches in their houses, have now become the world's greatest singers with fans all around the globe.
Blackpink has four members - Jennie, Jisso, Lisa and Rose. Each singer is from different parts of the world. Jennie and Jisoo are both from South Korea. Rose was raised in New Zealand and Lisa is from Thailand.
Blackpink has grown out with a concept of dark music. They produce songs on how we should fight problems in our life. Their songs help us to cope up with the hardest of all situations in our life with all our strength.
They debuted in YG Entertainment on 8th August 2016 with the song "Whistle". It became a hit overnight and named their fandom 'Blink" within a month. It was followed by their new beats. Every release like Boombayah, How You Like That, Ddu-Du Ddu, Ice Cream, As If It's Your Last and et cetera. They have collaborated with many big artists like Dua Lipa, Selena Gomez and have broken many records too. Their new release was hit in Billboards too.
They have organised many concerts all over the world including Coachella and Los Angeles (LA). Their contract expired on 8th August 2023. But for their fans sake, they again renewed their contract. And now they are going to come with a big comeback.
These 4 girls have become an inspiration for thousands of girls and youngsters around the world by their devotion of never giving up no matter how much struggle they face or hate they get. They have also taught their fans to work for their dreams and what not they would achieve.
Ishan Khan
Grade: XII - 'C'
Today Putin is one of the most powerful and the most influential people of the world. Born on 7th October 1967 at St. Petersburg Russia, he has served as the President of the Russian Federation for more than four terms.
During the Soviet Era, Putin served as an undercover spy for the KGB, the popular Soviet intelligence agency. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was heartbroken to see his country fall apart.
During the 1990's, Putin resigned from his post of senior spy and decided to join the Russian Politics. With the help of his KGB comrades, Russian mob bosses and the oligarchs, he rose to power becoming the mayor of St.Petersburg. During his time as mayor, he was able to win the hearts of the Russian people through his influential speeches and debates which mainly focused on to reunite Russia as a global superpower.
After the 1998 Moscow bombing by the rebels of Crimea, Putin was able to influence more Russian citizen through fear. Due to this, his approval rating suddenly jumped from 2% to 49%. And during the 1999 election, he became the Prime Minister of Russia. During the New Year’s Eve of 1999, the then president resigned making him the President of the country. After he rose to power, he successfully invaded two of Russia’s neighbour Georgia and Ukraine. Ever since Vladimir Putin became the President, he has suppressed the Russian media as a propaganda weapon to deceive the general public.
In the beginning, he worked to suppress the 12 Russian oligarchs who were powerful due to their states in the Russian natural gas sector. He favoured those who supported him and eliminated those who didn't. Afterwards, he shifted his focus to stop the eastward and came across the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) or North Atlantic Alliance (NAA).
Currently, Putin is fighting a bloody war in Ukraine. Despite Russia facing criticism, Vladimir Putin stands strong like a beacon of hope providing stability to Russia and the Russians.
Archit Singh
Grade: X 'H'
"Dhoni finishes off in style with a magnificent strike in the crowd and he is an Indian captain to lift World Cup after 28 years."
In a small town of Jharkhand, Ranchi the two parents Pan Singh Dhoni and Devki Dhoni were blessed with a legend one whose name will be chanting in all Indian crowd. Dhoni was brought and raised up in Ranchi. From his childhood he had interest in Football. His love and passion for football had far away opened a door for cricket which he never thought. His potential in cricket was recognised by his coach Mr. Banarice. His love for cricket increased but it was not living a good impact on his father. But his sister supported him a lot in cricket.
After his day to day game improvement, his father started believing in him and his performance. His game was recognised by Railway chief which led him to giving an opportunity of Job in the railways. But Dhoni didn't favour it much and left it behind and thought of giving his full dedication towards cricket. After being selected in Indian Team he married Sakshi Dhoni.
In the beginning of his career, he consistently lost the matches and was hated and criticised by all Indian Cricket fan followers. After that, BCCI recognised his talent of leadership and he was appointed as the captain for T20 world cup which led to victory for India. Then people again started believing in Him.
The Final Day, (11-11-2011)
The final match was played between India vs Srilanka under the captaincy of Dhoni. First it was batting of Srilanka leading up to target of 245 run. We thought an easy target to be chaised but during our opening all the star batsmen became out one by one. Then batting came of Dhoni. We thought Yuvraj Singh should come because he was at his prime during tournament but Dhoni came and played a captaincy inning and leading to a win, by hitting a sixes and fours all around.
Aastha Thakur
Grade: XI 'B'
The present world is a world of equality where every single human has the right to participate in all fields irrespective of race, religion, gender or any other diversity. However, it is not always the same. The human civilisation has gone through multiple changes, some good and some bad. Katherine Johnson is one of those great personalities who broke all the barriers of differences and discrimination and inspired the future generations.
Katherine Johnson was born in an African family in West Virginia. She was not from a very economically well-off family due to which her childhood was pretty difficult. However, no difficulties stopped her and she graduated at an early age of just 14. She later on started teaching and got married at the age of 33. She applied to NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and was deployed as human computer to calculate the trajectories. She was kept separately to the other white employees who were pretty deceitful. However, her amazing talent helped her rise up among all her colleagues.
She had a prominent contribution in different space missions. She worked in NASA for about 33 years with Apollo 11 and she was the women behind the great success of missions that include Apollo 11 mission, the first one and the mission 1962 (The friendship mission). In fact, John Glenn denied to go on the space mission of 1962 unless Katherine personally reviewed the calculation of Trajectories.
Her contributions were so astonishing and significant that she was awarded the Presidential Medal of freedom in 2015 A.D. by Barack Obama. She also raised voice for fair pay for the women employees and advocated to uplift the involvement of women in STEM areas.
Katherine Johnson once said in one of her interviews, " I never ran away from my work playing sick or any- thing: The one problem I had was answering questions to the world which I did in the best way possible." This undoubtedly proves her dedication in the field. She stands as the biggest inspiration for those who always get back thinking that their problems or difficulties are the barriers for their success.
Aakriti Jha
Grade: IX 'G'
Taylor Swift is a Native American Music Artist. She was born on the 23rd of December, 1989 in a small town in America. She began her music career in her young age of 15 and today, she is one of the most successful and popular music-artist in the world. She is adorned by people of all age groups because of her unique style of composing lyrics and expressing them in her pleasant voice. She has won hearts and loyalty of billions of people till date. Not only did she win hearts but she's also achieved many awards in her music career. She has won over 7 Grammy's and 9 Vamps awards which is one of the most prestigious awards in the music industry. But this journey obviously wasn't easy. She went through a lot in the beginning. She had just received a lot of love and support in her first few albums which she unfortunately got scammed. As a young teenager it was very difficult for her to face everything but she still handled it very well. The music production that she was working with, stole all her albums and she didn't own any of her music. Everything she was earning from her music was going to the production team. Even after all this she didn't give up. She released even more albums and decided to rerecord her stolen ones. After this, she posed even more and helped the society and her country a lot. Her albums are: Taylor Swift: debut, Fearless, Speak Now, RED, Reputation, Folklore, Evermore, Lover and Midnights.
Over 15 Billion people listen to her monthly on Spotify. Her fans identify themselves as 'swifties'. Unlike other singers, her song lyrics hold deep meaning. I myself am a swiftie and adore her songs. In today's era, her music is like the rapy to many teenagers and she heals our soul. In this year, Taylor Swift had a world wide concert tour, which she calls 'Eras tour" This tour literally boosted the overall far economy of the USA so much. She dedicated a lot of her earnings to charity as well. Today, she is an iconic personality. But all this started when she was just 13.
Her career started when a guy came to her house to fix a computer. He had a guitar. Taylor looked at him and told the guy that it looked good. The guy asked her if she wanted to play it. "I wish….', she answered. Then the guy offered to teach her every week and gave the guitar to her. This is when, she became really good at it and wrote her first song, Enchanted". And now, she winsthe hearts of billions of people. She heals them, including me.
Vidhisha Nepal
Grade: XII 'D'
Underrated by deafness and blindness, Helen Keller rose to become a major 20th century humanitarian, educator and writer. She advocated for the blind and for women's suffrage. Meanwhile, she co-founded the American Civil Liberties Union. She was born on 27th June 1880 in Pon Tuscumbia, Alabama. Helen was the older of two daughters of Arthur H. Keller, a farmer, newspaper editor and confederate army veteran. His second wife Katherine Adams Keller, an educated woman was from Memphis. Several months before Helen's second birthday, due to her serious illness, possibly meningitis or scarlet fever - left her deaf and blind. She had no formal education even when she was seven years old. Since she could not speak, she developed a system for communicating with her family by feeling the facial expressions of others.
Recognizing their daughter's intelligence, Keller's mother sought help from experts including inventor Alexander Graham Bell, who had become involved with deaf children. Ultimately, she was referred to Anne Sullivan, a graduate of the Perkins School for the Blind, who became Keller’s lifelong teacher and mentor. Although Helen initially resisted her, Sullivan persevered. She used to teach alphabets and to make words by spelling them with her fingers on Keller's palm. Within a few weeks Keller caught on the technique. A year later, Sullivan brought Keller to the Perkins School in Boston, where she learned to read Braille with a specially made typewriter. Newspaper chronicled Keller’s progress at the age of fourteen. Later she went to New York for two years where she improved her speaking ability.
Soumya Bista
Grade: XII 'A'
Art is a universal language that transcends beyond the barriers of spoken words. It is unique, personal and remains as one of the finest forms of expressions of emotions. Art depicts the minds of the artists - their feelings, thoughts and the deepest emotions. And one artist who stands out by expressing the emotional turmoil through each precise brush stroke is, Vincent van Gogh.
Vincent van Gogh, was a Dutch painter who rose to prominence in the post-impressionist era of the 19th century. His arts still continue to find relevance in the realm of modern art.
Van Gogh was born on 20th February, 1853 in the Netherlands to a middle-class family. His father was a pastor while his mother came from a family of art setter. van Gogh was not very immersed in art in his early years. But he did give a shot at selling arts. It was not until his mid-twenties that he started painting of his own.
These paintings, however, were different from the van Gogh, we have and know today.
His art got progressively better when he moved to France, where he was moved by the work of French painters like Claude Monet, who indulges with bright colours on their canvases. This started his ‘Yellow Era’ where he used bright paints for his printings. One of the most notable paintings from this period was ‘Sunflowers’.
Even though van Gogh was making hard in his artistic career, his state was dwindling with each passing day. He was always under the constant stress and had severe turmoil of life. An incident in his apartment in Paris, where he cut off his ear shows his tumultuous state of mind. His art work, ‘The starry Night’ portrays his life when he had the blues. Even if he is not alive today, the remains immortalized in more than 2,100 artworks seem to give solace. They stand as a symbol for people struggling with mental health issues.
Snigdha Shakya
X 'B'
In this world, many admirable and great achievers have been born. But among them, the one who has mostly influenced and inspired me is my father – Rabi Shakya.
He was born in Itumbal, Kathmandu on 25th November 1973 A.D. He was the second youngest son of Nani Hera Shakya and Rajikaj Shakya. He came from a poor family with five siblings. Having a sick mother, he was raised by his sisters and had a challenging yet memorable childhood. And yet he was a very sincere and diligent child who excelled in studies.
After completing his SEE ranking in top 10 in Nepal, he pursued the path of becoming a doctor as inherited by his family members. He did his Bachelor in Bangladesh and finished his MBBS in one of the top medical universities in Delhi, India. Thereafter, he went to do MD in psychology in medical science becoming one of the first few psychologists in Nepal. He got married with Ambika Lama at the age of 32. He left his home and went to work at BP Koirala Institute of Health Science Dharan for 5 years.
There he continued his career in Mental hospital for 5 years. And finally, he joined Patan Hospital opening the psychiatrist department there. He got promoted as a professor and also became Head of Department of psychiatry. He is now the Director of Patan Hospital.
During his career he did several researches, published books, did several conferences and has earned a notable position in the medical field in Nepal.
He received several awards and is now a well-respected doctor.
Simon Ginodiya
Grade: IX 'H'
Subhash Chandra Bose, popularly known as Netaji, occupies a respectable place in the Indian history of independence movement. He was a man of great courage, single minded and dedicated leader who burned with patriotism.
He wanted to free India from the British yoke, not by peaceful agitation or petitioning, but by waging an open war.
He went abroad, collecting a big army of Indians. They fought like Mazzini and Garibaldi of Italy. This is rarely mentioned in the annals of liberation movement all over the world.
He was admitted to the protestant European school in Cuttack for primary education. When he was fifteen years old, Bose read the writings and speeches of Swami Vivekananda. And inspired by them, he became greatly interested in the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa too. He left his school in 1909.
He observed a psychological change in himself after his admission in Revenasha Collegiate School. The school's atmosphere was totally Indian at school. He was always serious, reserved and did not take much interest in sports. The 'sadhus' and pilgrims visiting Puri, the famous Shrine near his place – everything about there fascinated him. After his school, Subhash joined the Presidency College, Kolkata that made him go in search of a Guru in 1914. He started a debating club in his college saying that India, in her forthcoming struggle, would need great debaters and parliamentarians.
After the time passed, Subhash reached Mumbai and met Gadhiji. He never agreed with Gandhiji on the issue of using non-violence as the only strategy for freedom struggle. However, Gandhiji was impressed by him and sent him to Bengal to work under the guidance of Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, the most popular lawyer of Bengal
Sharad Kabariga
Grade: XI 'E'
Virat Kohli was born in a middle-class Punjabi family. And he is a fine national cricketer from Delhi, India. He is 34 years old.
Virat was passionate about cricket right from childhood. But he was not that good in studies. Therefore, he did not like to study. It was once when he got only 8 marks in Maths. But he was a very talented cricketer. He found some teachers who supported him. His parents also supported him a lot. And he successfully debuted for India in 2011.
He had been playing IPL for RCB from the 1stseason from 2008. The day his father died; he had a Ranji Trophy match. He attended his father's funeral and went to play the match where he hit his first century. He also contributed a lot in 2011 ICC world Cup.
He married Anushka Sharma in 2018. He ultimately became father in the year 2020. His daughter's name is Vamika. Till now he has hit 76 centuries in different international matches. His best match is with Pakistan in 2022 T20 World Cup where he made India win the losing match by scoring 82* runs.
Right now, he is the brand ambassador of many brands like Puma, Wrogn, MRF Tyres etc. He is the richest cricketer and takes crores of rupees for a single advertisement posted in social media. He has many luxurious cars. He has also the record of highest scores in IPL 2016 season i.e. 75. He is the only cricketer who hit centuries in all the cricket formats. He has the largest fan following and has 257M followers in Instagram. And he is very handsome.
Today he is the role model of millions of people. Millions of people love to watch him play cricket every time. He is also known as 'Run Machine’, ‘King Kohli’, and ‘King of the Cricket’. And he believes that he can break the record of Sachin Tendulkar of 100 centuries as he is one of the fastest runners and the fittest cricketer.
Shanaya, Agrawal
Grade : IX 'I'
Born during a hot summer morning, in the small village of Rishikesh, India was a girl from a poor family who hardly had money to feed themselves. She started doing job since the age of three. And she is none other than Neha Kakkar. On June 6, 1988, she entered this world with a dream of being a successful singer.
Growing up surrounded by the family problem, she had a lot of things going in her mind. With the help of her sister Sonu Kakkar and brother Tony Kakkar, she did many 'Mata ki Jagrans' and 'Mata ki Chowki' to earn money for her family so that they could at least feed themselves. They worked all night and hardly got enough for their work.
She worked hard to balance her studies and work. She faced many problems. One fine day she got a call from Delhi who wanted Neha and her two siblings to perform there in a function. And to shift to Delhi, it needed a lot of money which they couldn't afford but still for the passion of Neha, her parents agreed and shifted to Delhi. In Delhi, she had to work for extra hours and her dad used to sell samosa in a small cart. Her life went on like this until one day she took the initiative to give the audition for a very famous reality show ‘INDIAN IDOL’. She stood in line for hours to give her audition and moved a step forward for her passion. She got selected as a contestant in the show. She went until the semifinal round but sadly got rejected. She couldn't win the show but gradually after a few years she got a call from a music composer. The composer wanted Neha Kakkar to sing a song for an upcoming movie. In this way, she finally launched her first song ‘Jawani’. Her song became very famous. And slowly she got many songs to record.
Meanwhile, she and her sister Sonu Kakkar also sung a combine song for the movie ‘Queen’ which again was a hit. The title of the song was ‘London Thumakda.’
She recorded many songs like Dilbar, Saki-saki, Humsafar, Rock star, Kala Chasma and many more. Neha today has more than 100 songs which are very famous and are loved by all. Although her journey was full of problems and challenges, she kept on working hard. And today she judges many reality shows like Sa Re Ga Ma Pa,Little Champs and Indian Idol. Once she was a contestant, today she is the judge of the same reality show.
Neha Kakkar today comes in the top artists in India and Asia. Her songs often hit millions of views. And her fans are known as ‘Ne Hearts’.
Prashan Maharjan
Grade: X "E"
Indira Prasai, known as the legendary person gave many literary works to Nepal. She wrote many poems and stories in different genres. Indira Prasai was born on 3rd Falgun, 2014 BS, in Darjeeling. Even though she spent her childhood in Darjeeling she lives in Kathmandu, Anamnagar. Her father was Ganesh Prasad Sharma and mother Durgadevi Nepal. She studied M.B.A in Tribhuwan University, Nepal.
Indira Prasai is one of the known literati of Nepal. She has literary works like writing a story, poem, novels, short poems, and biographies et cetera. She has good hand in writing about her thoughts. She has played a vital role in the literature of Nepal.
She is wife, mother, woman, social worker, literati and many more. She writes on various diverse topics which is her speciality about writing. She has obtained all the knowledge through her career.
She received many renowned awards like Yuba Barsa Moti Puraskar, Madan Puraskar, Rastriya Yuwa Pratibha Puraskar, Rastriya Gaurav Yuwasamman Puraskar, Deepjyoti Puraskar and many more awards.
We can get many inspirations from her works. She is always helping people as a social worker or writing books of our interest which develops the inner-thoughts of a person.
Omraj Jha
Grade: IX 'A'
Dr. Sanduk Ruit was born on 4th September, 1854 in Olangchung Gola, that lies in Taplejung district of Nepal. He was the 2nd son out of his parents' six children. His father was Sonam Ruit and his mother was Kesang Ruit. Ruit was born in one of the most remote areas of Nepal. Due to the lack of health facilities, he lost three of his siblings to simple diseases that could be cured with modern medicine. The death of his younger sister, Yangla had the most impact on him. After this, he was determined to become a doctor for the poor.
The nearest school from Ruit's village was across the border in Darjeeling, India. He began his education at the age of 7 in St. Robert's High School. He later shifted to a school in Kathmandu and completed his school level education. He later completed his MBBS from King George's Medical College, Lucknow, India. His father ran a small business to provide for his education. Ruit mostly studied under scholarships. After completing his MBBS and working in Tripureshwor Eye Hospital for 3 years, he wanted to specialize in Ophthalmology and completed his MD from AIIMS, New Delhi, India. As he continued to work in Tripureshwar Eye Hospital, he met an Australian Ophthalmologist who offered him the chance to study more about cataract surgery. Ruit accepted the offer and they went on to develop Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) with the use of intraocular lenses. This method was very affordable and cheap compared to the western method. With the help of this, Dr. Sanduk Ruit went on to treat more than 180,000 people in several countries across Asia and Africa. Most of them were from remote areas with no health facilities. He set-up makeshift surgery rooms and performed the surgeries, He gave people the ability to see again after several years. For this, he is known as the god of sight. He also set up Tilganga Research Center in Kathmandu.
For his selfless service, he won awards such as Padmashree, Asian of the Year Award and many other awards. He made his country Nepal, known all over the world through his dedication and efforts. He is an inspiration, not only for health professionals and social workers, but for everyone. In 2020, he also received Janasewashree Award from the Government. He continues to serve the people as the eye surgeon. Likewise he is also dedicated in various social welfare programmes.
Oorja Joshi
Grade: IX 'D'
Florence Nightingale was a generous lady. She was born in 1820. As a child, she was a very helpful person. Later, she grew up to become a well-known person and changed the hospital to - keep it clean.
During her childhood, she loved to do and learnt many more new things. She used to get excellent grades during her schools and colleges. She passed many high-level examinations. Her ambition was to become a perfect nurse. And for this, she worked hard day by day and finally became a nurse.
She became an inspiration and motivation to many people. She cared many patients and even established some of the important hospital regulations.
She is also known as "The Lady with the lamp" as she used to care the injured soldiers during the World War -II every night with a lamp. She was a very helpful lady from the very beginning.
Moreover, she has won many awards and was the first nurse in the world. Due to her generosity, her birth date is celebrated as international nurse’s day.
She died in 1900's which was a very heartfelt thing to hear. However, she is still alive in our hearts. She taught us many things. And she stood up for women’s rights. We will never forget her kindness and generosity towards the world and us.
Akshay Shah
Grade IX 'D'
"Imagine a classroom where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions. The best classrooms are those where everyone is engaged and participating. It's where knowledge becomes action, and where ideas come alive."
Participation in any activities plays animportant and valuable rolein learning. It is an opportunity to express our views and ideas. speaking in front of a group doesn't come easily to many of us and speaking up in class is a struggle for many students .it can be seen in a variety of ways like, not answering questions, not asking for help and even not talking in class at all. We always fear and avoid our self from participating in activities fearing about the embarrassment and sounding silly in front of others.
Participation and Interaction is needed in every classroom activity. It helps the teaching and learning process run smoothly .When students speak up in class, they learn to express their ideas andwhen they ask questions, they learn how to obtain information to enhance their knowledge and understanding. It is a very valuable learning tool for the students as well as the teachers. . Active class participation also improves creativity, improves our higher level thinking and even helps to boost up our self-confidence.
Apart from academics we should also participate in extracurricular activities.
Co-curricular activities in school refers to art, dance, music classes, sports, and quizzes etc. that take place during the day. In either case, participation helps students in emotional development, social skill development, and overall personality development.
Though we should participate in all sorts of activities,we have to maintain the balance of extra activities as well as academics.
A healthy balance of academics and extracurricular activities is key to a successful student life. Whereas an imbalance causes poor performance and can lead us to stress and anxiety.
"Participation may seem scary at first, but with the right approach, it can be a powerful tool for learning, personal growth, and community-building. By embracing participation and seeking out opportunities to contribute, we can make a positive impact on those around us and in our communities. It's time to step out of your comfort zone and start participating in your education, work, and life. The power is yours to take action and make a difference." "Participation is the key to human well-being. It is not just about being informed. It is about being involved. It is not just about watching, it is about playing an active part. It is not just about listening. It is about contributing and making a difference. It is about being a participant, not just a spectator, not just an outsider.
Dear Lily,
It was my first day of school after online classes. I was in a new school and with new people. I was scared at first but thought it will go by.
When I reached school I was having trouble knowing not where my class was. There were two girls who helped me to find my classroom. I can't even remember their face or the name now. They were nice anyway.
When I entered the class, I was scared because everyone was staring at me. I didn't know what to do. So, I sat in one of the benches. Then the students stood up and came to me to have my introduction. They talked to me politely. I was moved with how they behaved. My previous school's people had never behaved in the way they had. They were very nice indeed. You know most of them are still my very close friends, particularly the four who are my best friends now. It was in 7th grade and now I am in 9th. It's been a long time, but I still recall the day when we were in the same class. It was one of my best days. I still miss that class. If I could go back to that day, I would go with no regret. It was the day when I truly understood the meaning of friendship. They had helped me when I was in need. I had no idea at all of the school and rules, and they backed me every time. I wish we all could be in the same class once again.
Bye, Lily
Keepa Maharjan
Class: IX 'B'
Dear Diary
Today was a day full of emotions. The past few days which I spent with 71 unknown people from 21 different countries in an unknown, but now a memorable city of Frankfurt has now come to an end. Today was the last day of my German Youth Camp. My friends are probably still partying out, nudging each other in the lobby below but right now I am staring these memories so that I can cherish them forever.
Today was a day filled with cherishment of the past. We ate all our favourite dishes from past few days. Mime was ''pommes'' which translate into French fries but a little thicker one with chase sauce. We had cultural exchange, in which we gifted items to each other from our hometown. We sang our camp song throughout the streets of Frankfurt. We cried, laughed and hugged each other wondering if we will ever see each other- I wish today would never come to an end.
Vanshika Agrawal
Class: XI 'B'
Dear Diary
I was the anchor for the English week's closing ceremony. Do you know how nervous I had gone? I was terribly nervous as often. After so long it was to face the biggest mass, and speaking in front of everyone in Buddha Hall, in front of the chief guest, parents, Principal Ma'am and teachers was really challenging.
Before the program, I had had a confidence that I would be able to do it, for I had been the host for many other programs held in the school but it was the one which had assembled so many people there.
The panic began right from the beginning. I felt an uncontrollable cough itching my throat and heard my organs moving. I could hear the food that I had eaten rattling my stomach, and feel my insertions moving. I didn't know when my eardrums would go blast and my heart would anytime come to my hands. It went on until there prevailed a silence. But after the programme had ended, I knew it was all worth it.
It taught me lots of things.
Thank you.
Nandini Rai
Class XI 'A'
Dear Reader
It was a very eventful afternoon. I arrived at the destination with my family at about 2:45 pm. We had made a plan to visit Bhirkutimandav, theme park for quite a while now. By the time we arrived the park was almost crowded with people. However, it was not much surprising to us because it was a working day for the majority. We endured the silence as we headed on with the day.
In the beginning, we all agreed on meeting father after he had parked the car at a parking lot. After the meeting we headed towards the gate of the park and registered our names. We moved through the entry gate to be welcomed with many shops, stalls and games which we could experience. As it had been a long time since I had visited the park, I was kind of bummed out to see that many of the rides were under construction, under maintenance. All the same I chose to have a ride, a horse ride basically. I had rounds and round on the ride until I felt dizzy.
After an hour or so we headed to a restaurant nearby to have some snacks. Then we realized that the day was slowly coming to an end. 'It's time to go home,' said my father and we headed, tired just as if we had run through the entire world. I was quite happy and relieved. Although it was the shortest one, but the best experience I have ever got because I was with my family, we had a great fun. I wish to spend my time with my family once again.
With love
Manshi IX 'F'
Dear Diary,
Today was the first day back at school and it went well I guess. I had been imagining about how my first day would be. It didn't go as planned but at the end of the day it all came into place. Stepping inside of the school after about a month I had many emotions running through me. A half of me was excited to see my friends but the other half was anxious to see if I would be in the same section where the others used to be. I marched up the stairs with confidence and looked at the name list to see who my new classmates were. As I looked through the list I had a wave of emotions that hammered me hard. You see I was not with whom I wanted to be with. Like me some of my friends were sad not seeing my name in their list. I stood nonplussed wondering who would be my friend, who would I share my feelings with, homework with. Any way it was a fresh start again. Don't worry, I'll make a new friend to share my feelings, emotions, homework, etcetera and etcetera.
Goodbye! See you next time.
Aarya KC.
Class: IX 'J'
Dear Diary,
Today I am super excited. You might think it correct. Today I would like to share my ''fresher day experience" with you. Well, it was held on June, 2023. You Know that I along with my batch mates had got gifts like bottle award kind of . I enjoyed a lot. I wish that I could capture all my views and memory in you with my pen. You won't believe me.
(Yet). I truly, had enjoyed a lot. It was true and lovely surprise given by Grade XII to XI students for welcoming us in the new phase of life. We ate yummy food like pasta, rice, and ice-cream.
You know I was too nervous to appear before new mates when we arrived at school. I was much tensed wondering how I was looking like. Soon we were taken to the college building where we had breakfast. Then we went to Buddha Hall and got some information related to the programmes.
The programme was hosted by The Head Girl. It was a true memory, as there was a band which gave us a surprise with a lovely melodious song. I joined the dance with my friends. It was the best programme I have attended so far. I still can't get over the day when I was myself a fresher.
It's all about today. I will keep sharing with you if I should have such refreshing moments again.
Good Night, Dear!
Tanisha Maskara
Grade XI 'D'
Dear Diary,
I hope you did well today. And about me. Today was a pretty strange day. Let me tell you about it. Yesterday I had a pretty mundane dream. I saw as I walking to my house from school, a random boy came up to me and handed me a crumpled up letter and he magically just disappeared into thin air. But that was just a dream so it is understandable. However, the loop continued as today when I was coming to my house, a random boy stopped me at the road. He looked familiar with his crystal green eyes and brown messy hair. He started talking to me about my whereabouts. The way he was talking to me made me think as if he had met me before. I was too confused to ask him anything so I just casually replied to him. After a while, he pulled out a vintage looking letter from his pocket and handed it to me. The nostalgia of yesterday's dream hit me with a force. I looked up wide-eyed to ask him about it but to my surprise there was no one standing there. I looked around here and there but there was no sign of the sunny-haired boy. I clutched the letter in my hand and walked to my house in a daze. I kept the letter on my table and decided to read it later. After dinner I quickly, came to my room so that I could read the letter, but guess what?
The letter was not there! I tried searching for it everywhere but it was of no use. I finally gave up and now I'm sitting here writing this. Maybe all of this was just my imagination. Hmm.
Subhecha Patra
Grade IX 'H'
Dear Diary,
Hi diary, how are you? And I'm totally fine doing here, it has been a long time I have not written to you, and you already know that I only share with you, some of my fun, specific or exciting whatever. And here I am with my topic '' My first periodic result day''. So here, I begin.
As you remember I had written to you in the past year (2022) when I was in Grade 8th and the topic was ''first periodic results''. I was pretty satisfied that I had got 3.54 GPA. But guess what I got in Grade 9 first periodic examination? It's 3.77 GPA. I was over the moon, to be honest. It was my first highest score. My family were proud of me. As I remember over the past Grade I promised myself to work hard. And honestly this time I did not try too hard but still got a 3.77. I was pretty surprised. You know that I only share these things to you, and on to others. And you know that I am flexing a bit. And I'm sorry about that. Anyway, I'll work hard in my future and get better scores.
With this I would like to end my writing here. And remember that I will share my every moment of joying to you. Take care.
Oorja Joshi
Grade IX 'D'
Omraj Jha- IX A
Dear Diary,
Everything remained as usual today except for the morning assembly. You know today'smorning assembly was quite special. It was something we don't get to see so often.
The assembly conduction was done by our school's Sanskrit Club on the occasion of Sanskrit Diwas. So, the entire conduction was in Sanskrit— even the national and international news in Sanskrit, sports news in Sanskrit, special item in Sanskrit. Hearing all the students speaking Sanskrit so fluently was a moment of pride for the students and teachers alike. Yes, you could see it on their faces. All those Sanskrit compositions drove all my exhaustion away.
You may be wondering why I was already exhausted in that early morning. That's because I had woken up at 3' am to study for the upcoming tests which are starting right from tomorrow. Well, I was exhausted not because I didn't have enough sleep but because of the pressure of the next day's exam. I was to get a lot of things done though. I studied Samajik Shiksha, Science and a little bit of English as well Nepali. I must give consistency to my study routine to perform well in the exam. That's it for today.
Megha Thakur- IX 'J'
The distance is far, and the way is hard
But no stop or regret will be bought
There won't be a meal for someone to appeal
But if you start, no grief will you feel.
With each step you take, the distance will fall
And every time you try, you will cross another wall.
The sky is high, and the wind is strong
But is you stop, no relief will be brought.
The things that you see, could your dream it be,
The things that you want are ahead of this great sea.
The pain that you feel in your heart would you seal,
For the warmth that you want would the cold you feel.
The mountain you climb can feel endless and tall,
But the treasure you find would be greater than all.
The journey is harsh and the path is long
But the glory that you seek to you it would belong.
Looking back at time it is greatness you will find,
The value that you learnt and the trust that you earned
The story that they learn and the glory that you earned
The name that they search, a nameless traveler they learned
Dikshya Agrawal - X F
What is this, magic?
It's all full of tragic.
Sometimes everything feels so special,
But people here are really cruel.
Let's move to the city of dream,
Away from all the singing stream,
Alone dancing and running in the night street,
And giving you a sweet treat.
Let's try to love ourselves and create a new magic,
With this life comes a will all its logic,
What is this magic?
It feels so nostalgic.
Cyrus Gahatraj – XII 'D'
The lines on the map lack true meaning
They simply help to show nations gleaming
The roads we once thought to travel along
Now visited without opening doors proving us wrong
All the species in the world have the gift to grow
Yet the world itself sinks low and low
It's not that past and present, sizes are not the same
But only to say, the world feels small and tame
In a sense it transforms to a global village
The farthest place also becomes the nearest
The world now has become more daring
As untraveled roads are open for traveling
As time decreases, the world turns to a village
Yet I implore, don't confine it within a village
Ode to Daylight
I see all with light, yet it is concealed
Invisible itself, its wonder revealed
Look each face with a single view
No twins found in daylight hue.
Darkness hide many lies we can't see,
And light conceals it quite cleverly,
Not only in day does darkness depart,
Same vanish too, under the moonlight art.
I have seen colors surrounding our days,
Colors seem colorless without mighty rays,
Some colors come slow wile others rush,
Complexities are only seen in daylight.
Embrace me with light and let darkness dissolve,
Dreams born in shadows let blindness involve,
In my verse I will capture it gleam,
A longing to see all daylight beam.
Boat in an ocean
Thirsty I, around water
But no, I can't drink
My Mind
My mind is like a raining cloud,
Whose water in a filled bowl.
My mind is like a lied stories,
Whose tales are made by imaginative glories.
My mind is like a forget soul,
That walks in a little river.
My mind is not only thought,
Because it is itself an influence people bought.
Aditi Mishra
Grade: IX 'F'
I wish I had a friend
Who is caring just like me,
I wish I had a friend
Who could help me in need.
By my side through thick and thin
Never leaving me alone,
Who is there for me through tough times,
Even while I am at home.
It took me days
It took me nights
It took me several tests
To finally find;
A friend
Who is caring just like me,
A friend
Who could help me in need.
When I am sad
She is there to support me,
When I am mad
She makes me feel happy.
When I fail
She is there to motivate me,
When I am hurt
She is there to heal me.
I am thankful for all her graces,
And hope our friendship is endless.
Supriti Shakya
Class: 9 ' E'
In the world of fears, there lived a deer,
All done, always in tears,
Nobody but the Birds in the air
Hungers were everywhere no wonder to save himself.
Nobody ever appeared, although there were tons of them
Leaving apart, from all he had,
Going through, the hardest part
Of his unfair life
One cold afternoon, he was nowhere to be seen,
Many thought, he was dead down the hill
Nobody thought, how heard he suffered,
Always going through, the dreadful path,
Wondering where he is
All alone, in some hell,
Disappeared out of sight
In heaven, rest in peace
Thank you
Shuprashna Shrestha
Grade : 5 'F'
Once in a forest there lived a girl with her family. Her name was Sashi. She was greedy. She wanted to have what she liked and if she did not get it, she would cry. She would not give her belonging to anyone.
One days while Sashi was going to school with her friends, she saw a big bar of chocolates at top of the hill. Then she ran up instead of running to school.
As she was running the half way up, she got tired and sat there. From there the way was steep and difficult. She called her friends to go with her but no one listened to her. They said, "Sashi, you are greedy. You never give anything to anyone. We know you'll take all the chocolate bars."
Sashi began to cry because no one was with her. And it was when she realised that being greedy is not good. Meanwhile her mother, father and friends came down from the hills. Her mother said, "Sorry dear! Sorry for this trick!"
Actually it was her parents' plan to teach her a lesson. They had kept a lot of chocolate bars on top of the hill and asked Sashi's friends to act like that.
From that day on Sashi was not greedy anymore.
Subhecha Patra
Thoughts are a silent prayer without words
It can be sweet or sour just like pears
Thoughts give us the faith to fight
It gives us the motivation
To do something right
My thoughts are like a mess sometimes,
Which is the reason for my sleepless nights,
But, also my thoughts help me to move forward,
When everything feels like giving up.
Thoughts are like a train that never stops
It keeps on moving even in the darkest sports
Thoughts can either give you the hope to fight
Or the tears that makes you cry
Thoughts are the reflection of you
So, be sure to never feel few
Samikshya Poudel
Class: 4 'E'
Oh' my Dog
O' my dog
O' my dog
You are my best friend.
You play with me,
You chase me,
But all the things you did doesn't matter.
Oh, my Dog
O' my dog
You are forever.
O' my dog
Oh' my Dog
I love you forever
Samah Jha
Grade: 4 'E'
My mom makes me feel loved,
She always cheers me up,
Sometimes I get angry,
But still she is my butter cup.
My mom is the best,
And she never ever rest,
She works hard day and night,
To make my future bright.
My dear mother,
You are so kind,
You gave me joy,
And peace of mind.
Reagan Baidya
Grade: 5 'D'
Out of all my six years attending this school, this is the memory that I remember the most.
It was when I was about six years old. I and my friends were playing in the school's playground. All the students of my class were running across the ground. Excited as I was I didn't notice who was standing beside me, and so, pinched the one standing on the left. I thought it was one of my friends but I was wrong. It was Manju Ma'am, my class teacher. As I knew it I got very nervous. But I didn't know what I should say. Ma'am also didn't say anything. I thought she didn't take it seriously. So, I started playing with my friend.
We all went back to the classroom when the sports period was over. The following was Arts period. Soon I join the class. The teacher gave us a task of drawing and I began to do it.
I was doing it keenly when a sister called me. She told me to go to Shanti Ma'am's office.
Shanti Ma'am was the coordinator, and she still is.
I was very scared then.
When I went into the office I saw Manju Ma'am. She was sitting in the sofa. She looked mad almost and was staring at me furiously. I thought she would scold me.
''Why did you pinch Manju Ma'am?'' asked Shanti Ma'am angrily as I stood before her.
"Sorry Ma'am! It was an accident. I didn't notice that it was Manju Ma'am. I thought it was my friends," I said nervously, and apologized. Then Shanti Ma'am reminded me to be careful before I did something. Manju Ma'am too, cooled down and asked me to go back to the classroom. It was a bad memory I still become still nervous whenever I see Manju Ma'am.
Madhav Sah
Class: 9 'I'
It was 28th September. I was looking at the sky through my telescope. Do you know why I was gazing into the sky? Don't worry, I will tell you.
I had read in Science that planets come closer to the earth on 28th of September. Also I had read that it has a patch on its top. It has many spots on its surface that show that there was water on the planet long ago. But due to some unknown reasons all the waters vanished. It made me curious, and so, I was looking at the sky through my newly brought telescope.
As I was looking through my telescope, I saw something coming out from one of the spots. It was something strange— so strange that I kept looking and looking at it, yet unable to identify. It was looking like a spaceship my teacher had outlined. Still I was not sure. I called my parents to see it. But they too, were not able to identify it. Then we called an astronaut.
"Yes, it is. It is a spaceship," he said and soon started estimating how long it might take to come to the earth.
"Well, it will come here by tomorrow afternoon if it heads straight to the earth, or it may go somewhere else." he said biting his finger nail. "If it comes here" he added, "it may attack us."
What to do then?
We called the police. The police stayed alert and so did we. To our surprise the spaceship came closer to the earth exactly on time. As soon as it arrived, the police began to fire. And in reply the people, too, began to fire by marauding over us. It seemed they were searching for someone around there. Scared much I locked myself in the bedroom and crouched under the cot.
When I was coiling motionless, someone knocked at the door. I thought it was my father. I tiptoed to the door and opened it cautiously. Oh my God! it wasn't my father, and neither was it my mum. What I saw was a green man with two antenna on his head. He was saying something.
First I was aback and he moved further. Then I stopped trying to understand what he was saying but could not at all. Lastly he gave me a pair of antenna and asked me to wear on. Scared yet I thought that it could be a trap. But I was wrong. The thing he had given me was the device to make me understand what he was saying. It was a translator.
"Help me, please," he said when I asked him what the matter was," and went on, "I, along with my friends came here to see the earth. But our parents don't know it coz we left home by not letting them know it. Why they have come here is to take us back home. Please tell them to stop firing.''
"Good heaven! But how…..how can I tell them to stop firing?"
I took the green man up to rooftop and shouted, "Stop firing! Stop firing! Thy have come here not for fighting! But for taking their children back home! Here comes one! You see here!"
Thank God! Firing stopped. The police apologized for not understanding the matter and the aliens compensated the damage caused due to the firing and they went back on the same spaceship.
Jigyasa Agrawal
Books are our mates
Don't ever be afraid of reading them,
They will always help you
Whenever there is a guest between any two.
Love and respect them
As they are the ones who lead you,
A life as bright as you
If you don't have any friends
Then make a book are of them.
You can share anything with them
And they will also share the knowledge they have
They will help you fight against
The cruel world outside, hiding
Then, you can face the fear hiding inside you
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Aksat Shrestha
Class: 9 'E'
Roll No. 9202 (2)
Exploring Sauraha and its natural beauty was a part of our school trip. In this trip we, the students, were taken to visit Gorkha and Sauraha during winter vacation. It was at 8 am of December 28 when we started our journey with full excitement. We had a good time on the bus and enjoyed with our friends.
Our first destination was Gorkha where we got the opportunity to see the amazing art and architecture of the Gorkha Palace. Then we went to the Gorkha Museum. There we had a view of historic weapons and came to know a lot more about the history of Gorkha State.
We had our lunch at about 12. The food they served was very tasty and fresh. We clicked lots of photos and enjoyed much over there. Lastly we headed to Sauraha, our final destination in the evening. We stayed at a resort in Chitwan where we had a sound sleep in a cosy bed at night.
The next day, right after having breakfast we went to explore Chitwan National Park. It was really a wonderful sight. There were different kinds of wild animals like deer, rhinos, elephants, tigers etc. and various species of birds like parrots, peacocks. We became much more excited to see such beauty of nature. We enjoyed a lot there. Also we went to the elephant breeding centre. We saw many baby elephants. They looked cute. To give more details about elephants there was a guide who explained about their food habit, breeding and their behaviour. Besides this he told us about the importance of wildlife and their preservation.
Getting back from the National Park we visited the local markets as well as Tharu villages in Chitwan. We learned about their culture and tradition, and watched the famous Tharu dance in the evening.
The next day, i. e. the last day of our trip, we went to a famous Bish Hajari Taal where we saw many crocodiles. We clicked several photographs of those amazing reptiles. Moreover, we liked the peaceful and beautiful environment of Bish Hajari Taal. I had never seen such a beautiful place before.
On the third day we ended our journey. Passing through the scenic views of rivers, hills, and forest we got back to Kathmandu on twenty eighth December. We came to an end in school at around 4 p.m.
Aditi Thapa
Class: 5 A
Nature, Nature, Nature
Where lives so many creatures
It's full of happiness and joy
Where there are little girls and boys.
Wonderful butterfly and bees
Look at the beautiful waves of seas.
The sun is in the sky like gold
Looking at the rivers, and the ponds.
The sun is shining in the sky
Looking at the butterflies
The moon is shining in the night
No one wants to miss this sight
Nature, nature, nature
Where lives so many creatures
Nature looks really good
Every creature in their own mood.
Sanjeev Rai
Oh gentle spring, with your sweet fragrant breeze,
You bring life and beauty to the earth.
The sun shines brighter; the sky is blue with ease,
And flowers bloom with colours of great worth.
The birds they sing, a melodious tune,
A symphony of joy, they do create.
The grass is greener, we see no dune,
A peaceful scene, which nature did create.
The gentle rain, it washes all the past,
And brings new growth, and hope to all mankind.
It's a time for love, that was meant to last,
And gives us strength, to face each day combined.
Oh gentle spring, you are a precious gem,
A gift from heaven, that shall forever a realm.
मिनोली कार्की,
कक्षा—४, सेक्सन— ई
कमलमा बसेकी छिन
माता सरस्वती ।
एउटा हातमा किताव छ
एउटा हातमा बत्ती ।।
दुइटा हातमा वीणा छ
कस्तो राम्रो धुन ।
उनीले नै रचेकी हुन
यति मिठो धुन ।।
उनको धुन सुनेर
आए मयूर हाँस ।
सरस्वतीझैँ ज्ञानी होस्
भन्ने आमाको आस ।।
सरस्वतीलाई पूजा गर्ने
मेरो सबैँ इच्छा ।
जति सक्दो हाँसिल गर्ने
धेरै धेरै शिक्षा ।।
धन्यवाद !!!
पल्लभी खड्का
कक्षा ४ ‘ई’
रातको बेला घुम्दै फिर्दै कहाँबाट यो आयो
सुटुक्क आई सबैको आँखामा यो छायो ।
झप्पझप्प पार्ने निद्रा भन्ने चिज यो कस्तो हो ।
अल्छी मानेर चुपलागि बस्ने मानिसको दशा हो ।।
पढाइको बेला यो निद्रा लागे सबै चिज बिग्रीहाल्छ ।
परिक्षमा लेख्न नसके अझैँ गाह्रो भैहाल्छ ।
यो कुरा सोच्छु तैपनि आँखामा निद्रा आइहाल्छ ।
फेरि सोच्छु तीन बजे पछि त घर जान पाइहाल्छ ।
प्रिन्सी यादव ९ ‘जी’
मेरो कलिलो हातले मलाई अक्षर लेख्न सिकाउने
मेरो सानो पाँउले मलाई हिड्न सिकाउने
मेरो नाजुक ओठले मलाई प्रष्ट बोली बोल्न सिकाउने
संसारकै एक मात्र प्यारो व्यक्ति —मेरो बुबा
आफ्नो सपनी छोडी मेरो सपनी पूरा गर्ने
वृक्ष जस्तै कडा तर चिसो सितल दिने
म बालिका छँदा मलाई काखमा बोकी चन्द्रमा हेराउने ।
आज म ठुलिहुदा मलाई सही मार्गमा ल्याउने ।।
छोरामात्र होइन छोरीलाई पनि खुुुला आसमानमा उड्न सिकाउने ।
आफू रमाउने समय जवानीमै त्यागेर सन्तान पाल्ने ।।
सानो छँदा मलाई खेलौना ल्याएर दिने तर आज म
ठुली हुँदा सोही खेलौना जस्तै सम्हालेर राख्ने ।
सजिलो कहाँ छ दुनियाको सामु चरी जस्तै उड्न दिने ।।
म बिरामी हुुँदा मिठो औषधी बनी आँउने ।
आखाँमा आसु होइन केबल शक्ति देखाउने ।।
हजुर बिना जीवन मेरो अन्धकार छ
हजुरको साथ पाउन पाएमा भगवानलाई करौडौँ सलाम ।।
Er. Santosh Shrestha- Senior School Teacher
There are certain things in this world so beautifully created that we cannot help but keep staring at them forever like The Moon, The stars and Her Eyes.
Her Eyes are pure like her soul. And just like her soul her eyes are always in a veil and if you are lucky actually really lucky, you'll get to see her eyes. Eyes so beautiful that it feels like God took shine from the Sun, Calmness from the sea and Purity from his Angles and kept it all together to finally create those eyes.
She talks less but her eyes have their own language and they always portray what is in her heart. Every time you look into those eyes, you'll see the innocence of her heart. When she looks at you with those eyes, she'll pierce right through your heart and you won't do anything but smile, A happy smile. Her beauty is seen through her eyes as they are the door way to her heart, the place where love resides.
Her eyes are an ocean in which her dreams are reflected. The first day I saw her eyes, I remember forgetting everything for a second and thinking one day I'll write something about these beautiful eyes. And here I am today writing about her eyes and thinking what do I adore more, Her or Her eyes.
Aishwarya Singh -X ‘I’
There is a way out
Yes, there is
But i am afraid
The path is too dark
Too dark to go through it
No one comes back to tell us about it
Because once you take it
There is no way out of it
Knowing you can escape from reality
Gives you hope
A hope to be free
Not to experience pain
Not to experience bitterness
Not to experience hopelessness
Not to experience simply present
I know how it feels
I know you do too
Trishna Bansal X “I”
It’s winter,
The garden is changing its attires
So do the leaves
Turning yellow, red and falling near my feet
I hear people calling
From behind
Shooting and running on my way
Still I hear a voice
Shrilling and thrilling
Into the deep woods
Here the water begins to cool
No wonder where they are
Then I found my self-hypnotized
I walked on the cold floor
I awoke found myself on my bed
I still wonder
Was the laughter I hear?
Every day
cold enough,
to scare me up?
- Trishna Bansal X “I”
Siya Agarwal XI 'B'
The tranquility of pain,
The world with sentiments
and the land with no glance
is the place where lies the change.
The depth of history,
the dark trench of mystery
is unknown to specimen
The splendor sphere,
the blue so vast and clear,
the green that arise the glare,
engraves an epic oceanic fear.
Aarya Mishra- Grade X
Exploring Chitwan and its natural beauty was a part of our trip. Students studying Sanskrit from Grades VIII to X were taken to the beautiful place named Devghat. It lies between Chitwan and Tanahu. We started our journey at 8 a.m. on November 11, crossing the bridges, roads, rivers, and hills. We had a good time on the bus and met new people.
Our first destination was Shashwotdham, where we got the opportunity to explore the architect of the temple and the museum. Then, we went to the gurukul, which was our main destination. gurukul was just beyond our expectations. What we thought was different from what we experienced. It was quite big, with small buildings, and at the temple at the center, we met the people of gurukul and found them and their rituals different than the rest of the world. The food given over there was very unique, had a different taste, and was healthy. We were given a comfortable bed to sleep in, and the gurukul people treated us very properly and without any fault.
The next day, we went on a deeper exploration of the gurukul, learning about its daily activities, rules, and regulations. We even went to jungles, temples, caves, and rivers. We were allowed to play near the river and had no restrictions from the teachers. We touched and sprinkled the water of Trishuli and Kaligandaki. We clicked many photos and enjoyed the natural views of Chitwan.
Later, we trod on the suspension bridge, which itself was a kind of ride, and we crossed the bridge running through it that was above the Trishuli River. Then, we went back to the gurukul on foot, walked past through the jungle and forest.
The next day was the last day of our trip, where we went to watch the wonderful waterfall passing through the hills. We played with the water, slipped and jumped over it, and clicked many amazing photos. We again ended our journey by bus, passing through Trishuli, Narayani, and Bagmati. On November 14, we came to an end in school at 3:30 p.m.
अनिता अधिकारी
जिन्दगीको गोरेटोमा उकाली ओराली गर्दागर्दै
जिउनको लागि सङ्घर्ष गर्दागर्दै
थाहै नपाई कति चोटि मरेछु म
मृत अवस्थामा रही बाँचेको भ्रममा परेछु म ।
भोलिको संसार सजाउने रहरमा
हिँडेछु कति म काँडैकाँडामा
भूत र भविष्यको सँघारमा अल्झिएर
माया र मोहको सञ्जालमा बेरिएर ।
पिएर प्रत्येक विषको प्यालालाई
छिचोलेर औँसीको रातलाई
बनाउँछु जीवन पूर्णिमाको रात झैँ
दियोमा बलेको अखण्ड बत्ती झैँ ।
वर्तमान सिङ्गो जीवन जिउँछु म
काँडाको बिच सुन्दर फूल फुलाउँछु म
भविष्यमा होइन वर्तमानमा जिउँछु म
मरेर होइन जीवन जिएर जिउँछु म ।।
Nepal is well-known for its temples and historical sites. We can find many temples inside the Kathmandu valley. While roaming around the Basantapur area, my eyes are often fixed on one temple, Aakash Bhairav located in Indra Chowk. I wanted to know about this temple as it is regarded as the God of the Sky or the Temple of Heaven.
According to the Newari culture, we call him "Aaju.". It was said that Yalamber's head was established in the valley as the giant face of Akash Bhairab. It is one of the different forms of Bhairava. According to the Mahabharat, Lord Krishna chopped off the head of Yalamber and dug inside Tek Dovan, presently called Indra Chowk. After that, the head transformed into stone itself, as we see it nowadays.
The giant head of Bhairab is taken outside once a year on the occasion of "Yenya" festival and blessed by the Kumari during Indra Jatra. During the ceremony, a large number of worshippers come to visit the temple and offer Pedas. People believe that starting a new business with the blessings of Akash Bhairab is a good idea.
A total of 23 important Pujas are done for the divinity all over the year, and different feasts are organized in the temple itself. Special worshipping and celebrations are done during Shivaratri, Fagu Purnima, Indra Jatra, and Kumari Jatra. It's a very magnificent temple to visit and get blessings from if you are around Indra Chowk.
I am in bed now, staring into a pitch dark bed room. I try hard to pull a usual sound sleep. But the harder I close the eyes, the more luminous the incident appears. It had happened at school today at early morning and it is reflecting like the changing scenes of a feature film.
"They had arrived before I was summoned to the Principal's office, my parents had! They were sitting side by side on the sofa and hearing the Principal say– we are sorry to say…….something like that. Their faces were a sight to see actually– mom gazing on her own navel and dad, staring at the Principal's face with a hope that he would be kind enough to forgive the blunder. But the Principal was firmly sticking to what he had decided. Beside the Principal were the Discipline In charge, Vice Principal and the Academic In charge, all staring at me with big bulging eyes that had nothing but mounting anger. I was asked to stand before the Principal as soon as I got into the office. And it was when they showered a series of questions– why, how, where, when, how many and so on. I had no answer at all of them, however. All I could do was to shed salty tears and seeing only a darkened future looming over to me. Finally the discipline committee reached to the conclusion that I would have to stay at home and have a self-study till the board exams."
"No friends to talk to, no teacher to help out! How can I prepare for the board exam, by God?" My heart turned cold and the mind blank. I saw the entire room spinning on its own axis.
"My father, on hearing, swung out of the office and went straight to his Land Rover that had been parked in a school's parking lot. Mother, with a pale blue face, followed him, and dragging myself I walked behind her. Both of them spoke no word until we reached home.
"I admit that it was my fault." I wipe my tear rolling down onto the pillow and let a gush of hot air blow out.
"I know going out in the school uniform and drinking and smoking which, as a school rule, is quite offensive. But none of them understood that I was bound to give a company to my classmates. It was Bharat's birthday and they had made a special plan to mark it somewhere in a restaurant. Yes, I had refused to go with them first, explaining the consequence it might cause. I had sustained it until Arati spoke. She said that I would be out of friendship if I didn't go with them. What would you do if a pretty girl like Arati said so? Tell me what?" I take a turn and pillow my own arm.
"I know there is the Principal to administer, there are teachers to teach, discipline committee to deal with the disciplinary issues. And I know for sure who is who but don't know who looks after what the students do beyond school. Had I known it I wouldn't have ventured to go with them."
"No, no," I bite the finger nail and think over it again. "Yeah, there's someone to relay the message from the restaurant to the school. Who could it be? A well-wisher to the school? Or someone who is trying to take a revenge with anyone of the five? Yes, it could be a parent of any other fellow who was not with us. Maybe it was Shankar who often time launches a complaint against fellow mates, we know and therefore call him a spy. Anyway, let me not talk of who it was. The bread has already fallen on its buttered side."
I hear a stray dog barking in the street and lend the ear to it for a while.
"What more did we do there except having him cut the cake?" I find myself innocent again. "What more? We had just had a block of pizza, some spaghetti, kima noodles and a bottle of beer each. Just that. I had smoked for the first time in my life, not willingly of course, but with insistence. I did it just to keep the company. It was trifle indeed to suspend the students, not of average kind but one of the brighter ones. They know I always fall in GPA 4 category, win each competition I participate and win the medals and prizes in inter school speech competition. They should have forgiven me if not others."
My chest swells a bit recalling my own success but at the same time sinks down when the sense of discipline overrules. "Are the rules made in heaven, I mean, not to be broken at any cost? Some say rules are made to be broken. Are they right?"
I recall the discipline in charge once say about the rules and their breach.
"Oh, no! If all begin to break the rule, the world will go anarchic. Yeah, it is likely. Okay, let's suppose I am forgiven. What about the rest? Aren't they to be forgiven? If the school keeps forgiving all sorts of offences, could it run smooth? All alike— be it a brighter or a bloomer, should abide by the rule, or else all by nature tend to break it. The school, in this regard is right, yes, cent percent right to suspend us. The rascals like us should be punished."
A sort of relief cools me down.
"But what if I secure just C+?" A hot bubble of wave rises its head again, "What if I won't be what my parents want to make me? What if my father will never be speaking to me? What if my friend forget me forever? If so, I won't have any other choice except……….. What if Arati goes away from us? Oh, shit! What a costliest celebration it was!"
A big lump sticks across my throat and I feel choked somehow. And it is when I hear some knocks— not in a couple but repeated ones at the door. With them there follows an urgent call, "Are you okay, dear?"
It is mom calling me with her lungs out.
-Bir Singh
2nd November, 2022
Sanjeev Rai
I oft wait for autumn with little desperate
The placid wind comfort me till the dawn
The crispy leaves I tread on till short a date
Another colourful leaves shine on the lawn.
Autumnal flowers and leaves welcome the winter
My serene mood finds the rhapsodic way
Then I admiringly look at the hills yonder
Autumn colourful leaves longing to tread on the alley.
The faint autumn sun still wraps me warm
My life and nature harmonize willingly
Though the last day of autumn coldness conform
Homebound I go disdainful and unwittingly.
Hopes of autumn glory that continues and eternal
I am ready for the winter cold long hibernal.
Muskan Poddar – X 'I'
Imagine, a world of prefect people. A world where everyone is perfect and doesn’t make any mistake. Basically wouldn’t that world be boring as humans would be just working like robots and most importantly there would be no experiments, no creation, and no mistakes. So, basically even mistakes are important. Isn’t that great?
By the way a very good morning to one and all present here. Today I Muskan Poddar am here to present the special item of this morning. So, I am going to leave the job of deciding the topic of my special item on your shoulders. Fine, let’s talk about something that’s trending.
Have you all heard the thought ‘’be yourself’’? How many of you agree with this thought? Can you all just please raise your hand? Alright. Well, if you ask me. I don’t agree with being myself because I can be better or what it yourself is someone who is a looser, lazy, depressed person, one who doesn’t earn, is a bad person, then why to be yourself? I think me should always who is successful, smart, achiever, but basically we should always try to be better as we are never the best. I myself have figured out many thigs like initially my thoughts were different but gradually now they have changed as I rethink them. So, basically it’s about experience and moving towards best not about being yourself but being one whom you want to be. And in this process we obviously will have to face many ups and downs and mistakes to happen are for sure. Let me shove a story with you.
Once Albert Einstein had been teaching his class. So, he wrote on board 9 times 1 equals 9, 9 times 10 equals 91. The class broke out laughter. Einstein waited for everyone to stop laughing and said despite he wrote correct answer 9 times no one congratulated him but when he made 1 single mistake, he was pointed out and made fun of so, the reminder to you of today is even the person is successful, society’s work will be pointing out mistakes, remember your nose is located just above your mouth but if u don’t brush your teeth for 3 days, your nose won’t tell you that u hunt brushed but the people around you will, thus, society will always point out other’s mistakes but the one who realises own mistakes is the one who brings change.
We must remember that mistakes are a part of beautiful journey to success as Einstein once said, ‘’ the only person who doesn’t make any mistake is the one who does nothing’’ thus, make mistakes and learn from them, learn from every single mistake. Accept your mistakes. Make mistakes. It’sperfectly normal, do not try to be the ‘’perfect person’’ as no one can ever be, People love to see successful stories but most of the success stories succeed due to failures/ mistakes. Thus, learn from mistake and nobody is perfect. We must learn to fight and prepare ourselves for any situations. Let me share another story of vulture. Culture can survive till 70 years. At age of 30, it faces a challenge. Its nails bend, wings become heavy, beak bends which disallows it to fly, hunt etc. now, it has 2 choices: fight or die, so, it goes into a process of 90 days where it breaks its nails and wings though it pains, blood flows but it comes back with new wings, nails, beak and then lives peacefully for next 40 yrs. Thus, we too need reframing capability in our life to deal with various situations.
At the end, I would like to share an ancient proverb which says:
‘’ I cried because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet. ‘’ I repeat it shows that it is so easy to magnify blessings we all have to be so very grateful for.
Now, I would like to conclude my speech saying, 'sometimes God doesn’t give you what you want, not because you don’t deserve it but because you deserve better.’
This is Muskan Poddar signing off. Thank you!
Ashutosh Jha- X 'I'
Tick tock tick tock
You watch the clock
Try to work
You pull the lock.
Seconds turns minutes
Minutes turn hours
A million death shower
Chest turn sour .
Turn to side
Read your mind
Eyes go blind
Hate your own kind.
Night refuses to pass
Cries judge your class
Words lose their mass
Long for a touch of glass.
Norma you’d wish be
Wishes some would see
There is nothing for me
Need the end to set me free.
Tick tock tick tock
You watch the clock
The night never leaves
I won’t too
Because I am you.
-Princy Yadav- IX ‘G’
S – serious about you
I – inspires you
S – stands on your side
T – tries to make you smile
E – encourages you often
R – respects your feelings
B – blows you mind as deep as you go
O – organizes one to move ahead
O – open you window to the world
K – key to your success
S – sets you to a perfect life
Lepcha, Jonah- (English Language Teacher)
It was the middle of a cold, wintry night. The night had been lovingly embraced by a peaceful silence. And a variety of insects, moths, maggots and flies, were humming around a lone electric bulb.
Suddenly, a colony of vampire bats overpowered both the insects and the electric bulb. The bats completely darkened the once-lighted place. The bats began eating and sucking the juicy insects, maggots, moths and flies. And in the twinkling of an eye, they disappeared then and there.
A minute of complete silence passed without any trace of any life.
Suddenly, a lone gorilla-sized man’s shadow passed an electric pole at the speed of a cannonball. After a minute or so, the electric pole violently started to dance back and forth as if a big invisible giant was tossing it in the air.
The furious movement of the pole did not stop there. The electric wires started to snap all of a sudden. It started to blink. And in one final flash of the electric bulb, a man appeared.
The man was hairy all over his body. The man was drunk on blood. Its hands and feet had sharp black claws. Its face was completely covered with dense long hair smudged with hot blood. Its eyes were red-shot. Its nostrils were breathing hot vaporous air, spattering fresh blood mixed with hot sweat. And the mouth was still seen with dripping blood.
Sanket was the lone witness to these cold, haunting activities on his smartphone.
To be continued in the following blog...
Dikshya Agrawal (9 F)
Before you came to my life, I was all alone,
After you came, my life became best overblown
Our friendship was totally unexpected
Now, we are heart to heart connected
You never let me fall
You came in my every call
You stood with me in my every failure
And taught me to deal with that failure
I hope our friendship remain strong
And I believe, we never go wrong
Thank you for standing by me in my hard time
And help me smile all the time
You are very special to me
So, never cry when you don’t find me.
Muskan Barai (VIII 'D')
Long ago, there was a girl who was studying in class 6. Her name was Hasti. Hasti was a better listener than a writer, which is why all her notes used to be incomplete, although she could understand everything that her teachers taught her. Her school life was full of fun. The most precious part of her school life was her very favourite teacher Mr. Sanjay, her science teacher.
Hasti used to like him because he cared for his students and helped them to understand the topic well. He was an inspiration to many.
One fine morning, Hasti received the syllabus of the upcoming exam. She knew that her notes were incomplete but still she was tension free because she had learned every single topic by heart. She was confident about her exams. But, as it is correctly said, “Every gain follows with a Loss”; Hasti became over confident.
She didn't revise or even touch her books. She became so over confident that she went up to Mr. Sanjay and said "Sir, I promise to top the science exam this time.” He replied smilingly "Ha-ha, okay!” Soon the exams began. Hasti actually managed to write all the answers without preparing much. Then came the day before her science exam, she was busy fantasizing about how happy she would be when Mr. Sanjay would appreciate her for topping the exam. She wasted a lot of time on this. It was already 8 in the evening, so she couldn’t prepare much.
Finally, it was the day when she sat down to take her science exam, she knew all the answers but surprisingly, and she made mistakes while writing them. Due to her over confidence, she didn’t check her paper even once before submitting.
Soon, Mr. Sanjay checked her paper; she had done well. Despite that, two marks had been deducted and Hasti unfortunately did not top the exam. However, she was ranked second. She was ashamed and felt guilty about everything. She again went up to Mr. Sanjay and expressed her apology saying, “Sir, i received my report card just now and I have failed to top the exam. I am so sorry; I’ll try my best next time?”
Mr. Sanjay replied calmly, “Congratulations! Your results are excellent, even better than before; I know you’ll make more progress next time.” Hasti said, “You made my day, sir”, he replied, “And you’ve made mine too, congratulations once again!”
Hastirealized that she had to stop being over confident. She started studying with proper alertness so she topped the other science exam as she had promised to Mr. Sanjay.
Swikar Rana Magar10 'D'
Every Spring I see the birds flock around,
Trying to find whole grains to feed their love on ground
Every morning, they sing the song of spring love
Hoping to see the ever green summer grove.
The summer arrives with loads of joy
The kids in the playground playing with their toy,
Happiness shines in the face of everyone here
May summer leave goodness forever and ever here.
The withering of leaves starts
Day shortens and painters paint their art,
Crispy leaf and red, brown coloured hue
The burning of summer woods brings home a few.
The cold winter arrives with thick far of shoes
People cherish the livelihood with comfort and loose,
A hot cupo of coffee with cinnamon sticks
Hope spring again shall bring the flowers of beautiful silks.
Snigdha Khadka 12 ‘E’
“Good Morning, students, get ready for today’s morning prayers!” “All the students may disperse, now.”
Everyday, this is how all my mornings begin. It’s the routine of my 16 years old life and as a relatively high-school girl, my mornings have always been ordinary until I saw her. I don’t remember where or when I saw her first but her existence had shaken up tiny world limited to my home and school.
Tall and lanky, she has fair colour and has longer hair. From my bedroom to the library, from the library to the bathroom, she is present everywhere. Once, she crossed all her limits of outrageousness. She appeared when I was hanging out with my friends. She is the pain in the neck. Her painful existence ruined my day and for a long time, I couldn’t forget her and her haughtiness.
Recently, I have been seeing her more, I see her in my overweight body, my awkward smile, my frizzy hair and flabby arms. She becomes more apparent in the mirror. Suddenly, I realized she is me! Seeing her makes me unhappy, I am repulsed by my own sight. I wonder how many young girls and boys like are haunted by their own shadows.
Shristi Yadav Class 6 'A'
I dream of life
This life is so beautiful
Everything is so beautiful about life
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life,
Life becomes easier
When you learn to
Accept the apology
You never try to,
Life is colourful
Life a rainbow
Rain and sun
Come together in your life
Life is too short to cry
If you try to find mirth, you
Can make it longer
A life full of joy.
Shakshi Kedia XII E
Self-motivation seems a word that we hear quite often nowadays. Of course, there are some days when you feel like getting out of bed is a hard task. When you might think that this is just some negligible kind of situation but it's a very important issue. Self-motivation is the reason you do what you do. In the era or the world, we live in it would be absurd to be depended on anybody. This world has become a race or more like a cycle. Self-motivation is what helps you be on yourself not be depended on anybody. Believe me when I say this if you are self-motivated, if your goal is set right in front of you, if you are not letting the negative energy effect you, this life that seems like a race for other people may not be the same for you. We all have heard the phrase ''you are your critic.'' Sometimes we judge ourselves so harsh that we don't think that it's becoming more like a habit to us. Do you criticize your friends, just as the same way you do yourself? The answer would be no, obviously we care about their feeling and wouldn't want to demotivate them. So, why to be so harsh on yourself. Try looking at the positive things, what you can achieve, small celebrations.
In your life the only person who is going to stay with you is yourself. I know that it makes most people sad, but it is the truth. You might feel motivated one day and the other days might feel worse. This is all part of your journey, you are your own coach and you can figure things out one by one. It may be a cliché thing to say but music can really lift or calm your soul. The days when you are feeling demotivated, or just got your exam results, try listening to music. It helps to calm us and think about what should be our next step, how to rectify the mistake we just did rather than making a harsh decision and regretting later.
Prajain Kaji Maharjan
Class 2 ‘C’
The very popular Newari food is also known as Newa Cuisine or Newari delicacy by Nepali locals. It is one of the most popular foods in Nepal, especially in Kathmandu valley, i.e. Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Kirtipur and Bhaktapur. It has more than 1200 varieties of dishes. Traditional Nepali cuisine has always been famous all over Nepal. The main famous foods are Newarikhaja set, yomri, chhoila, quati, samaybaji, chatamari, bara etc.
Paridhi Sarawagi X “F”
Thank you for being nice.
For helping me out with your silly advice.
For being with me in my hard times,
And for making me cry sometimes.
The first time I saw you,
I was not interested in knowing you,
Our friendship was unexpected,
But now, we are connected,
I have never met a great person like you,
I find myself really lucky to have you,
I hope we will never get apart,
And you will always be in my heart.
People may not understand you,
For they don't know the real you,
But don't fall off your track,
‘Cause you will always have my back.
Always remember, I am there for you to lean on,
A shoulder for you to cry on,
An ear to listen all your pathos,
And a brain to cheer your egos.
I hope our friendship always remains very strong,
And we never go wrong.
I can't tell how special. You are to me,
And I assure you won’t miss me!
Nidhi Das 4 'C'
Once upon a time, there lived a family and in that family there were four members. Mother’s name was Krisha, Father's name was Ragav, big sister's name was Ruby and younger brother's name was Chandra. Chandra and his big sister Ruby loved insects especially butterfly. Their most favorite was red, yellow and white butterfly.
One day they were going to the park and a pink and white butter fly came flying near Chandra. It was small but very pretty. Chandra said happily ''Wow! It is very beautiful, I must take it home''. On the other side, his sister Ruby also found a big black and white dotted butterfly. She said '' I like the pattern and colour, I must take this home''. And both arrived at home and they showed each other their butterflies and they also showed it to their mother. She said '' Wow! You've done a great job!!.”
And they clicked the photos of the butterflies and they sent them to the museum.
My Father - Mahika Yadav VIII ‘D’
My father's name is Ram LalanYadav. He is Forty years old. He is veterinary doctor and government employee. He is tall, smart and laborious as well. He has white and black hair and brown eyes. My father loves me very much. Like every child's hero, my dad is my real hero in the world. I think without my dad I am nothing and he is the one who taught me everything. I love him very much.
My father is the head of family. Well it’s not true in every student’s diary or any form we write father is the head of family but the actual head of family is our mother I feel this is 80% true. My father doesn’t stay with us in Kathmandu as he lives at Solukhumbu. I miss him so much.
I am really proud of my father and I will make sure that one day he will also be proud to see me as his brave daughter. He is always ready to help others. He never thinks of himself. He only thinks of others. He wants me to study with a scholarship but I will try my best to do as he advises and be a good daughter. When he is at leisure, he tells us funny and interesting stories. I like to listen to him. I make sure to spend a lot of time with him. I will not do such kind of work to disappoint him. That's all about my dad; I can't describe more of him as I have no words to describe him and his kindness. He is such an excellent son to his parents. He is from a small a village but he has done a lot for everyone and shows that nothing is impossible. If you are willing to do something, you can just give it a try and don't give up, he suggests.
Whenever I go to village to see my grandma, she always tells me about my dad’s past; how hardworking he was and he never learned to give up. I also want to be like him one day. For me my whole world is my dad. My world starts with him and ends with him. Love you so much dad! Thank you for your every single support in my life, without you my life is incomplete.
Name: Ishani Baral
Class: 8 'B'
As I am going through my adolescence or teenage period I can say that this period is the most sensitive among all. It changes us mentally, emotionally and physically. It’s the period where we need to deal with lot of changes and build ourselves strong.
This is the period where we need someone to listen to us. If we have someone to rely on like parents who completely understand their children's situation and are supportive that would be very beneficial to any child. But it takes time for us to open and talk about our issues and anxieties. At this phase we turn into introvert and some into extrovert. We don’t speak up easily due to lack of confidence. We overthink and even small actions can bring disappointment on our face. It's not the age which is dangerous but it’s the age in which we should help ourselves and control our emotions and also lead life on the right track.
During teenage period, we often get offended since they don’t understand our emotions; despite that they compare us to others indifferently, therefore we have to deal with such a huge pressure. We need understanding parents, teachers and friends. Some people bully others which directly affect our mental condition even. We easily get annoyed and perhaps feel miserable.
People should understand and know how to deal with us rather than yelling at us and making our esteem low. We all need to work on ourselves. We shouldn't step out from our family rather than believing on friend’s side. And parents are also responsible for being the great bridge of communication with the people around us. This is what I feel nowadays how teenagers are going through and I feel, your support can play a huge role to make a big impact on us.
Live on the Radio
Erika Prajapati - X ‘A’
I visit many places, but some of them provide unforgettable experiences and leave an evident mark to relive on. I have also visited many places but a memorable one for me is my visit to the radio station. As someone who loves listening podcasts, I had always dreamt of being interviewed on the radio. I always aspire to visit the radio station as a guest. This dream got fulfilled when I got the wonderful privilege to be interviewed for a live programme on Radio Kantipur. Just few days prior to the huge day, I got informed by my teacher that I had been selected along with some of my other friends for the programme. The program 'Children's Club' I learnt that it was a weekly programme broadcasted on Radio Kantipur 96.1 MHz where children are interviewed by the programme presenter, MsPriyankaPrasai.
I was really excited for the same, my happiness knew no bounds. This was something unprecedented for me. On the day of interview, I, along with Arika, Samik and Shin Niu went into the radio station. Since, it was big day, our parents had been invited and they accompanied us. The building of Radio Kantipur situated at Pulchowk was big and clean. I went to the recording room which was organized after the presenter instructed us. The programme was going on air live at 5 p.m. The programme began shortly. I was slightly nervous at the beginning but the fun-filled environment of the recording room removed all my fear, and we had talks about our hobbies, school and many more interesting thing. The interview was so much joyful that I didn't even realize how fast the one-hour slipped through my finger. It was fantastic and I experienced a lot. This experience also boosted my self-confidence and inspired me. The visit to the radio was more than just a visit, it was an emotion incapable of being explained in words but here I tried my level best in doing that.
Elina Jha XI 'A'
Did you get A+ ?
This question creates a lot of fuss.
If you did, you are great, congratsl
If you didn't, you are termed as lazy cats.
Marks don’t determine your future,
If just helps your life venture.
These words are well known lectures,
But honestly they seem useless conjectures.
Grades are really necessary,
But they don't secure your life is vagary
So remember knowledge is primary
That’s what will help you in contemporary.
If you don't score high,
You don't have to be shy,
But once ask yourself why
And next time give it a better try.
Dikshya Agrawal – IX ‘F’
Dear Diary,
That play was awesome. I will never forget the play, my first getaway with friends. That was so fun, the best day of my life. We went to watch movie and have fun that day. There were many of my friends. My close friend Juhi also accompanied me. With her I enjoyed a lot. There were few girls and few boys. We went to see 'RRR' movie. The movie was great. The good thing was I had already watched the movie earlier and I was telling them about all the scenes. Then after the movie we just roamed and enjoyed a short walk in the mall. Then we went to a café 'Bella Vista' at Basantapur. We first ordered some cold drinks. Telling the truth we didn't like the juice at all, I mean the juice cost more than hundred but it was more like 20 Rs. litchi juice. But we ate, drank and enjoyed a lot. We sang and we all pranked our friends. This was very awesome and I assumed it was more like that of a play.
Thank you!
Ashutosh Jha X ‘I’
Like a string,
Somebody pulls and you fume,
You lay lost in the sandy dune.
Fall head-first on the ground,
Broken thoughts don't make a sound,
Flying too long to be free,
The wall of time you did not see.
You want a world of angel and fairy
It's too bad all you have is a blurred memory,
Your life was a tune and you were a bard,
Lived all of it safe and didn't try hard
Lay you dying bird,
Lay underneath the sky,
For a bird with broken wings,
Can never fly.
Aastha Chaudhary XII E
Astha Thakur X D
The land is collapsing,
The sun is elapsing,
Tall buildings are wrecking
With the existence of earth shaking.
I see no presence of nature’s grandeur,
All due to human's hauteur.
For the first time, the humankind looks upset,
Experiencing its last sunset.
The sea tide is beyond its limit,
With beings struggling for life every minute.
Everything I can find are just dead trees,
With no sight of even tiny creatures like bees.
I find no corner without pollution,
With us delayed to bring out the implicit solution!
Humans who cause nature, the malady,
Are into the deepest tragedy!
Niharika Rana- Grade IX A
I have never met any people by this time who has told me they have not dreamt yet. This is to generalize that all people have a dream. Some people experience a weird or horror dreams while other experience common dreams. What so ever, our dream tells a lot of things about our mental and psychological conditions of the brain.
One day, I came across a very strange dream where I was trying to rise up on the ladder and were unable to get on the top. I was sweating hard, repeatedly falling and rising from the ladder while going upstairs. All of sudden, I woke up and was confused whether it was a dream or real happening. When I came to know that it was dream, I tried to connect the dream with my present situation and made interpretation that rising in the ladder was related with attempting to achieve the highest grade where as falling implies failures. Now I was clear that I had to work hard more to get the best results.
I also experienced another very weird dream where mysterious manor sneaked in my room. It was holding a knife in his gloved hands. He slowly approached towards me as if he was trying to chop my head with knife but because of my defensiveness he hurt near the check and vanished from the scene. The blood gushed down from my cheek. Something unexpected happened with this horror dream scene. I suddenly wake up with a courage and determination to find the monster and identified the conditions of wound in the dream. This is an endurance to face all the consequences that I had to face to save myself.
If someone had dreamt similar to my dream, we should not end up by linking dreams with some negative thoughts. Instead of linking the dreams with superstitious believes, we should learn to interpret our dreams for some productive changes which could bring some benefits in the life.
Hriday Agrawal
Grade: IX 'G'
In my opinion, learning inside classroom is just 50% of education, other 50% learning has been believed to be attained by doing. We DAVians are fortunate not only to get education in such holy organization but we can theorize now. Our school took us to the "Science Simulation Center" to bolster interest in the science. On 19th of July, 2019, around 150 students from classes 5 to 10 were taken to this center. The center was fabulous with learning and fun. All the students were taken to different branches of Science Simulation Center like, robotics, physics lab, astronomy lab, and so on where we learnt about various tools and got opportunity to learn daily life concept. All the instructors and teachers were very friendly and understanding. The most interesting part of this tour was to see a real human robot which can dance, talks, walk etc. I would like to thank the Science Department for organizing this fun-filled learning tour.
Jyoti Agrawal –Grade VIII ‘F’
I, Jyoti Agrawal from Grade VIII 'F', am sharing my experience of yoga excursion organized by our school. When I was informed that I was going to a yoga excursion in Thankot at the bottom of Chandragiri hill, I was very much excited for the yoga excursion. That day, when I reached school, the bus was alreadyto take us. It took about half an hour to reach the destination. Sooner we reached there, we saw a big board of Shri Arvinda Yog Mandir. The founder of that Aashram was Ram Chandra Daswelcomed us. We were guided by the staff of the Ashram. At first, we went to an octagonal shape building and we went to a cowshed in which we found several cows. In the Aashram, more than 250 orphans where provided free education and hostel. Fruit, vegetables and several kinds of pulse are grown here in organic way by utilizing the manure from cows. They run a dairy farm in the ashram. Some people are engaged in sewing and knitting. Foreigners are also provided shelters. We were excited to find hand-made Pashmina, Sawl, Purse along with key-ring, ear-ring, necklace, braslate, ring, carpet, T-shit, perfume in the ashram. Some children learn Bharatnatyam, singing, enactment, etc. The panoramic view of Kathmandu valley from the Aashram breathtaking. We were also provided yogic food. We enjoyed a lot and participated in the meditation aswell. We made new friends and interacted with them. It wasaquality a time spent there in my life. It will be in my memory forever.
Bhawana Jain- Grade VIII ‘F’
We, the Yoga Club students, with our yoga teachers went to Shree Arvinda Yoga Ashram, Thankotat the bottom of Chandragiri hill. The peaceful environment in and around the ashram probably attracts like me who are tired of living in the noisy and the crowded city. There were a total of 10 departments in Ashram. At first we went to the most important place of the Ashram wherethe nails and hairs ofArvinda Yogi, were placed. It’s quite surprising to those who were unaware of Yogi’s life style and culture. It was also the praying place to the visitors as well as the members of the ashram. We mourned 5 minutes for the departed soul of Arvinda Yogi. After that, we went to the cowshed and also involved in grass cutting and we went to Pathshala. In the pathshala, we interacted with the students and also talked about how the students were reading in the Ashram. After that, we went to one room in which the things made by the ashram family were kept for sale. We bought some of things and went to canteen, had yogic tasty food there. Now we had to leave for the meditation room, we stayed there almost half an hour. We were guided in all those departments by staff Ms. Sushmaand she explained about the activities there. While we were observing everything there, one Guruji came and told the story of Sri Arvindji after whom the ashram was named. Before returning, againwe went to the manufacturing and sale department wherehand-made pashmina shawl and cotton clothes were kept for sale. It was one of the beautiful moments of life.