E-sewa Appeared as a Secret Santa Claus at DAV   

E-sewa Appeared as a Secret Santa Claus at DAV   

Date: Dec 23rd, 2022

The representatives of E-sewa visited the school and honoured Shaili Pyakurel, a student of Grade VI 'A' with gift hampers in the morning assembly today (23rd December, 2022).

Similarly, Grade VI 'A' got a packet of Chocolates as Shaili belonged to that particular section.

Mr. Sumendra Rana Magar, Head of Education E-sewa, handed gift hampers to Shaili in the presence of Vice-principal Mr. Ram Chandra Khanal.

For more information, a total of thirteen students were selected the winners of Christmas Month through lucky draw. The lucky draw was organised to all those students whose School's bill was paid through E sewa App. All the students of the country were included in a lucky draw.