Collage Making Competition on the occasion of 'Buddha Jayanti'

Collage Making Competition on the occasion of 'Buddha Jayanti'

Date: May 14th, 2023

The students of Grade V to XII participated in Group Collage Making Competition on the topic 'Buddha and Peace' on  4th May, 2023.

The competition was organised to mark the celebration 25th Buddha Jayanti. The collage making competition in senior school was witnessed on 3rd May for middle school students on 4th May, 2023.

DAV School has introduced Pariyatti Education (Buddha's Teaching) and facilitates meditation classes to the students and teachers together.

Hence, the programme like dhamma deshana, art activities and competitions are organised on the occasion of Buddha Jayanti every year as a part of activity based learning.

The student enthusiastically participated in the competition and demonstrated their brilliant art skills in a high-spirit. The competition helped students to know the team-spirit while working in a group.

In addition to these all, Junior and Kindergarten School students were assigned to colour on the outline of Lord Gautam Buddha.

The teachers associated with Kindergarten and Junior School also introduced Lord Gautam Buddha to the students and his contribution to mankind.

All the competitions were evaluated jointly by Class Teachers and Art Teachers. The winners will be honoured with a merit certificate in the assembly soon.