Inter-section Nepali Speech Competition

Inter-section Nepali Speech Competition

Date: Dec 13th, 2022

Devkota Nepali Club of Secondary Wing organised Nepali Speech Competition for the students of Grade IX in Jetavan Hall on December 6.

The topic for speech competition was 'The Role of Technology in the Development of Nepali Language'.

Ritisha Thapa from Section 'A', Prerak Pathak from Section 'B',  Saurya Sapkota from Section 'C', Soumel Shrestha from Section 'D', Aayushi Gupta from Section 'E' and Princy Yadav from Section 'G' represented their respective section in the speech competition.

The audiences were from Section 'C' and 'D' of Grade IX.  Moderator of the programme was Shreeya Maharjan from Grade IX 'B' and judges were Mr. Lalmani Panthi – Club In-charge of Devkota Nepali Club and Ms. Bipana Karki from Nepali department.

Sooner the students presented their speech; Nepali HoD Mr. Narayan Prashad Khatiwada said the sole objective of the programme was to make students competent in public speaking. The Club In-charge Mr. Panthi was all praise to the School Management for providing a wonderful platform for the students to bring forth hidden talents.

As per the results, Prerak Thapa from Section 'B' won the first position and Ritisha Thapa from Section 'A' won the second position.