Good Luck Havan for Grade X CBSE Students

Date: Feb 8th, 2024
The board bound students of Grade X CBSE participated in the ‘Havan and Puja’ early in the morning, in Indu Hall on February 5.
The Havan was conducted as per the standard of ‘Arya Samaj’ in which ‘Habirdrabya’ was offered to the Agni. The HoD of Sanskrit Mr. Damodar Regmi along with the Sanskrit department teachers conducted the religious rituals of Havan and chanted mantras.
Chairperson Shree Anil Kedia, Principal Dr. Bhubaneswari Rao and Vice-principal Mr. Ramchandra Khanal along with the students and teachers team of Grade X CBSE participated in the puja.
Addressing on the auspicious occasion, Chairperson Shree Anil Kedia motivated students to go for another round of revision as students had still some days to prepare for the Board Examination. Meanwhile, he also highlighted the importance of finishing touch and blessed all the students endlessly in the upcoming board examination.
Similarly, the Principal Dr. Bhubaneswari Rao inspired the students and said, 'They were at the important stage of life as Grade X Board Results will showcase their academic journey ahead'. The Principal repeatedly motivated students to believe in their potentials for the best results throughout the life. She also appreciated Sanskrit Department for providing a sacred forum to bless the board appearing students. The Principal strongly believed that every one of them will emerge proud on their own way and visit the school with big smiles immediately after the board results soon.
Prior to the Havan, Vice-principal Mr. Ramchandra Khanal talked about the various dimension of Havan and also tried to make the participants understand why DAV was organizing Havan from the establishment till the present day.
A group of students from Grade IX intoned bhajans. At the end, both students and teachers were offered Tika and Prashad. DAV School has been trying to make students understand about the culture, the role of human beings in the society and expectation from parents and school.
The ‘Havan and Puja’ are the part of anglo-vedic approach propounded by Dayananda Saraswati, who was the founder DAV schools and colleges around the world. He was also the one who spread havan culture in western societies.
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