Visit to Nisahaya Sewa Sadan, Shantinagar, Kathmandu
Date: Aug 28th, 2024
A total of 21 students associated with Mother Teresa Social Service Club visited Nisahaya Sewa Sadan, an elderly care home at Shantinagar, Kathmandu on August 23.
This visit was a part of the club's annual programme, where students had the opportunity to interact with the grandparents residing there.
Before the visit, the social studies teacher, along with some other interested teachers from Grades V and VI, raised funds to support the cause. The students donated towels, sponsored lunch, and served food to the elderly during their visit.
Nisahaya Sewa Sadan currently cares for 45 grandparents. During the visit, Mr. Yogesh Adhikari, an Assistant Administrative staff member, encouraged the students to respect and care for their grandparents, reminding them that everyone grows old eventually. He emphasised the importance of creating a supportive environment for the elderly, so they don't end up in care homes.
Ms. Aarti Sharma, Head of the Social Studies Department, noted that the programme successfully promoted a culture of sharing and caring among the students. According to Mr. Aakash Bishwakarma, the club in-charge, the visit also helped students develop emotional well-being and cultural sensitivity, which aligns with the school’s theme for the 2024/25 academic session.
Mr. Prem Prashad Uprety, another administrative staff member, recalled a similar visit by the Mother Teresa Social Service Club seven years ago and expressed his delight at the continued tradition of honouring the grandparents in the same spirit.
During the visit, Yash Sharma, a student from Grade VIII 'G', donated lentils, salt, a sack of rice, and cooking oil. Additionally, the entire Grade VIII 'G' collectively donated a cake. The students also celebrated Mother Teresa's birth anniversary with the grandparents.
The students were accompanied by Social Studies HoD Ms. Aarti Sharma, Social Studies teacher Mr. Santosh Rai, Mr. Aakash Bishwakarma, and Ms. Shanti Shrestha. The teachers praised the strong bond that was formed between the students and the elderly during the visit. They expressed a desire to return with their parents in the future to receive blessings.
In addition to these activities, the students performed four dances and two songs to bring joy to the grandparents. During the departure, all were in tears and it was difficult for everyone to control their emotions.
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